RSS feed for new forums content?


Aug 18, 2010
Portland Orygun
Is there an RSS feed for new content displaying the same information as the "View New Content" link (with the falsely-applied RSS icon)?
I'm going to start a new round of work on the site in the next couple of weeks. Let me get back to you then.
Changed your avatar, eh. Diego looks very upset. The nuns in my grammer school couldn't even give the evil eye that well.
Another option would be increasing the "Recently added topics" on the home page to 20 or so. That way, given usual traffic, one could go a day or two without checking and still get a good feel for what has been going on.
Well, I found the next best thing to an RSS. Way at the bottom of the home page under Misc is a box and at the top of the box is "Today's Active Content". If I can keep up daily, this is a sweet way to catch up, partially because when you click on the post is takes you strait to the end instead of the beginning like the normal forum pastings do.

New posts - WTW

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