Sacramento to Banff -- via Nevada, Oregon and Idaho


Aug 27, 2013
west coast
Planning my usual trip to Banff in the beginning of October, where I'll join up with friends for Thanksgiving.

I've lost track of how many times I've made the trip from Sacramento to either British Columbia or Alberta. I know I've travelled Hwy 1, I-5, 97, and 395. I really like the central Oregon and Washington routes, but was thinking this time I might head east first and then north on 95 through Winnemucca, a bit of Oregon and then Idaho. I'd like to cross the border near Creston BC, because the birding in that area is beyond awesome and likely stop a couple days in Creston.

I haven't put in much time in Nevada in ages--some of the trip reports on WTW are pretty attractive and I know I really like high desert. Any comments or suggestions re this part of the world and route would be most welcome. I'll be camping.

The trip from Reno through Cedarville to Lakeview is interesting, as is the Winnemucca up to Denio trip. I do recommend stopping at Virgin Valley CG for a swim and shower. The nearby Kinney Camp remnants are worth seeing, too. Stop at Fields Station for the best (only) hamburger in fifty miles. Stop at French Glen for dinner at the FG Hotel. John Ross, the proprietor does a good family style meal. Much to see in the area. Take bug dope!!

Send me a PM if you want info on the area, including birding spots.
One suggestion is to head up from Ontario ID through Kooskia and over Lolo Pass. The drive along the Lochsa river is beautiful and there are some nice camp spots. From Missoula you could head north through Coeur d'Alene and up through Sandpoint to Creston or up through Glacier NP (although not sure what that route would be like with their recent fires).
Thanks. Sounds great if it's not been burnt over. I've done the Coeur d'Alene-Creston bit and found it glorious. I must see the US Glacier Park one day.
Ronanmd1 said:
One suggestion is to head up from Ontario ID through Kooskia and over Lolo Pass. The drive along the Lochsa river is beautiful and there are some nice camp spots. From Missoula you could head north through Coeur d'Alene and up through Sandpoint to Creston or up through Glacier NP (although not sure what that route would be like with their recent fires).
We have taken the route US 95 from Winnemucca through the Lolo Pass and camper along the Lochsa river.The campgrounds there have little use in the fall,very nice. From there you would have to get through East Glacier to cross the border in the Glacier area.
As the crossing at West Glacier above Bowman Lk has been closed for years.
Enjoy the trip.
Lot's of good places around Sandpoint if you come up through Idaho along 95 or you could come up on 93 and then cross over up further north at Moyie Springs and Bonners Ferry. Lots of great scenery on either route and you should be early enough that the high country won't have snow yet. The east side of Pend Oreille is another drive that might be of interest.

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