Saline Valley


Senior Member
Dec 12, 2009
Spent a long weekend in Saline. Went in via S. Pass, worst washboard I've ever seen. Tried every speed from 1 to 50 mph and it was rattling out my fillings and screws in the camper. Had great weather and great soaks but there were/are more feds (10) there than I've ever seen in any backcountry area of DV. They were doing some sort of study regarding the impact of non native species including pets. Drove out via N. Pass which was in good shape, just a few short patches of snow/ice which were no problem, should be OK until the next significant storm.
there were/are more feds (10) there than I've ever seen in any backcountry area of DV. They were doing some sort of study regarding the impact of non native species including pets.

Lots of chatter on another DV forum about this, the rumor is they will stay for the Prez Weekend bash and will likely be watching WRT clean up afterwards.

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