Santa Barbara to Tahoe'n Back, the Annual Summer Trip


Senior Member
Jul 10, 2012
Santa Barbara
Every year the lady and I go to Tahoe for a few days during the summer to hand with her family. They have a little cabin on the west shore. To make a trip out of it, we camp our way up and down. We both love the eastern side of the sierras and are always looking for new spots to check out.

Thanks to some great advice from people here we were able to find some amazing spots.

The first stop is always Alabama Hills. It is a magical spot and only 4.5hours from SB. I've never spent longer than a night there as it gets hot in the summer, but one day plan to make it out in the fall.

This was the first real Vacation of the year for me so I jumped out of the truck when we got there and was VERY excited to be away for a week!

The colors at sunset are always great. I also like looking up at Mt. Whitney as I have climbed the mountaineers route twice in the late spring.

We spent the next 30 minutes taking pictures! :D

Finally got around to setting up camp.

Settled down to enjoy the sunset and start dinner.

I always like to see what "camping food" poeple some up with so Ill post some of our meals. Tonight was BBQ'd Turkey Burgers, zucchini, and portebella mushrooms with salad. Great end to the first night on the road.

It was a warm night. Must have been about 68 which was great. We woke up and got going quick as much past 9:00am the tempurature climbes fast.

Last shot before closing it up.

Now off to Green Creek, slightly south of Bridgeport.....
Just checking back in cause those photos are so awesome. I noticed that your rig is Alabama Hills Camo colored. :p
That dinner in the photo looks quite tasty.
Also the lady is happy and that makes for a good trip.
Thanks for the nice comments everyone!!!!
Ted said:
The mountaineers route twice? You're an animal!

Enjoying your report so far. Looking forward to the rest.
Well it was a year apart. I didn't do it twice in the same spring. haha :)
ETAV8R said:
Just checking back in cause those photos are so awesome. I noticed that your rig is Alabama Hills Camo colored. :p
That dinner in the photo looks quite tasty.
Also the lady is happy and that makes for a good trip.
Desert Camo for sure! haha I actually like the tan. Dust blends in! Good food, happy lady = GREAT trip!
Bseek said:
I like the storage, bike, swingaway you have going there. Any details?
Thanks! Ive been pretty happy with it. I custom designed it and build it. Here is the page in my build thread that has better photos of the bumper.
How about some picts of night #2. Green Creek area south of Bridgeport....

The road out there isnt too bad. Pretty washboarded up right now, but we took it slow. You climb up into the valley. Get some pretty good views.

There are LOTS of little turn offs with nooks to camp in by the river. I suggest using google earth prior to visiting. Of course, finding the perfect spot is fun.

We found a nice quiet spot to relax. Close to the river, but not too close. It was just what was needed.

I went for a bike ride to explore and the lady took a nap. I rode up to the trailhead and campground. The campground is minimal but has great spots. There were a lot of trailers sprawled here are there and lots of fishermen. I regret not throwing a line in.

I got back to camp and the lady was chilling in the water cooling off. Beer time! :D

It was a beautiful evening. I was HAPPY to be there.

Grabbed another cold one and wanted to go for a walk to see the evening colors. This aspen tree in the photo was right by our camp. It had Mary + Dick 1959 carved in it. You can see it if you zoom in. They were in the same spot as us 54 years ago. Crazy!

We enjoyed the evening thoroughly.

Of course, up next was DINNER! I really enjoy the camper cooking. Menu tonight was chicken breasts, zucchini, and eggplant! YUM.

We drifted in the evening enjoying the sound of the creek. The next morning, we were just sitting there sipping on coffee when this buck walked right up to us. About 20 ft away and just looked at us. We froze as to not scare it. After it wandered a bit further I was able to snap a photo.

After a Nice Breakfast, of egg sandwhiches.....

We were on the road again. Had to snag a few shots on the way out. Nice view.

Off to Leavitt Lake..........
Enjoyed your photos.
The meal shots looked good.
I like seeing other campers cooking ideas.
I started a thread about camping food ideas but I don't think it went very far.
Enjoyed the trip.Thanks.
Hey, I like the food shots too. We should resurrect that food thread Frank. I need some more ideas. That small grill looks pretty sweet too. We haven't been carrying a grill. I'm trying to decide between an iron grill pan/griddle or a grill. Thanks SLO for the report and photos. Looking forward to the next installment.
Nice TR, SLO

I sure enjoy revisiting favorite spots through the eyes of other like minded folk. We've spent time at both locations, like many wanderers.
takesiteasy said:
Hey, I like the food shots too. We should resurrect that food thread Frank. I need some more ideas. That small grill looks pretty sweet too. We haven't been carrying a grill. I'm trying to decide between an iron grill pan/griddle or a grill. Thanks SLO for the report and photos. Looking forward to the next installment.
Al we are finally off for a short trip.When I get back I'll have to search for the thread I started or start a new one.Or any one can start a new one .I think it's a nice idea to also share camp food ideas.
Thanks for the positive comments everyone! Ill Get Leavitt Lake photos up soon. That road sure is a fun one going up. Slow and steady with my big rig. Only one or two spots that had me nervous. Of course Im not sure if it was the road or the look on my girls face as we approached! haha

Frank, thanks for the cooking link! Ill be sure to add some of my thoughts. Have a good weekend everyone! :D
Pretty Funny Ski!

How about a little Leavitt Lake! First of all this is a great spot and if I were to go back I would schedule at least 2 nights up there. The road can get a bit hairy with the larger/heavier rig I had, but we didn't have a problem. 4x4 low and slow and we made it. I did push the whole setup a bit harder than I had previously, but it handled very well.

We pulled up and found a decent spot. First off we both wanted to explore so we grabbed the bikes, some water and took off.

After the ride I opted for a dip. WOW was the water cold. Still it was refreshing!

Camp for the night all set up. Nice spot a bit down from the lake to shelter us from the wind a bit.

As we were enjoying this view....

A local group of kids pulled up hoot'n and hollering. Must have been 12-15 of them. About 6 were riding in the bed of the red truck alone.

Luckily they went to the other side of the lake where we couldn't hear them until they started shooting. Didn't stop until late night. I was amazed at the amount of ammo this crew shot. Luckily they were setup safely and were shooing towards the base of the mountain. Unfortunately it kind of ruined the evening for us.

With a decent night sleep we wanted to do a nice hike the next morning. We set out about 8:30 towards Koenig Lake. It was a BEAUTIFUL morning.

Its interesting how the water color at Koenig Lake and the one next to it differs.

We kept on going and made it up to Latopie Lake above.

The goal was to make it to the PCT above Latopie. It was some serious rock scree field trekking, but we made if finally!

Looking west towards Sonora you could see a fire. Far right of this picture.

Above Koenig Looking down.

Looking Down at Leavitt. We could just barely see the rig.

We were going to stay another night, but the kids were still at it. They had been continuously shooting all day. Many different calibers. It was unfortunate because it was such a beautiful spot. Oh well, we'll just have to get back another time.

Headed down..

This was the trickiest part for me. I was just too wide to miss a big rock drop and a tree was jutting out into the road threatening my camper. I opted for the rock and ended up denting the tailpipe a bit. :D

First Creek Crossing. The departure angle on the bumper is great! I was happy.

A few pictures of Leavitt Waterfalls and the surrounding valley on the way down.

Off to the west shore of Tahoe!

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