
Dec 10, 2006
Well, despite thinking we couldn't make it out to UT this spring, we finagled some time off. Then the weather was crappy, so our trip looked in danger again. Alas, we lucked out and had a great 5 nights. Some highlights for those interested.

The weather across Colorado was bad last weekend- snow, rain, wind. Even extending out to SE UT. Since the weather looked like it would clear on Sunday, we opted to use the opportunity to snag a spot in a campground we've always wanted to stay at. Where, you ask? In the Needles District of Canyonlands NP is a small CG called Squaw Flats with only about 20 or 22 sites. It's remote too- about 50 miles from a town. We drove through the weather and camped at Fisher Towers near Moab. Fisher is a BLM climbing site with only 6 sites- usually full. We had out pick as the place was empty from weather. Here's Fisher Towers:


And the dog having a good time sniffing around for chipmunks and other critters:
We were able to get a spot at Squaw Flats afterall and within a few hours of us arriving it had filled up again.


Wooden shoe arch:
The next day we did a nice, long, 8.5mi loop hike through some amazing backcountry. This was the Big Spring to Squaw Canyon loop which follows a creek in one drainage. Then the trail goes up and over slickrock into the other creek drainage to return.




Back at camp, the dog seems to really enjoy the soft sand. If you even look at her, she tries to get deeper (and thus dirtier) in the sand:
Then we headed to an area called Behind the Rocks, where the weather soured for the evening. We camped and pretty soon there was wind and rain.


The next morning it cleared and we hiked until we found an arch nearby.


Finally, we drove near the UT/CO border and found a nice little secluded spot:


Did I mention how much those UT skies suck?

And finally, one happy camper:
Looks nice, Brett.

I've camped in Squaw Flat a couple of times -- possibly in the same site you were in. (I had to spend my first night on BLM land just outside and was waiting at the c.g. entrance at 7am the next morning, ready to pounce as people left.) It's one of my favorite, most-scenic, official campgrounds. I also enjoyed the hiking options available right from the c.g. I recognize some of your photos-views.
I need to get back's been a few years...I think my last trip was pre-camper. Thanks for the reminder.

Glad you could get out.
brett13, thanks for the nice trip report! Glad you were able to make a trip work. Going to dig out some of our maps and get to dreaming about a Utah trip someday!
Looks nice, Brett.

I've camped in Squaw Flat a couple of times -- possibly in the same site you were in. (I had to spend my first night on BLM land just outside and was waiting at the c.g. entrance at 7am the next morning, ready to pounce as people left.)

Yes, Mark, I too have failed to get a site in Squaw Flat many times and have had to spend nights outside on a road through BLM land. It was one of the ugliest bits of land I have ever camped on, plus it rained!

Camping just outside Canyonlands NP in the rain:

All Terrain Camper on BLM land the morning after:
...a road through BLM land. It was one of the ugliest bits of land I have ever camped on, plus it rained!
Camping just outside Canyonlands NP in the rain:

All Terrain Camper on BLM land the morning after:

Yep, pretty obvious why that area didn't make the cut for National Park status.
you have me craving red dirt again!

Funny you should say that. We decided to actually wash the truck and camper for the first time in a year after we got home. Since the camper is on full time, car washes are out and I'm generally too lazy to wash it. Broke out the power washer to get that Moab Mud off the wheel wells. Man, that stuff is like cement! Took half an hour of hosing to get it off the driveway afterwards too! It would make some spectacularly strong adobe.
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