Self Quarantine Things to Do

Wandering Sagebrush

Free Range Human
Site Team
Nov 17, 2013
Northeast Oregon
We aren’t panicked, but not going out to places with a crowd. If you’re looking for something to do, here’s a great YouTube channel from Australia. Beach launched kayak and small boat fishing, with some pretty big trips to offshore islands.
I will be fiddling around with some mods to the truck and camper that I may otherwise not have taken the time to do. And there is always planning for future trips! :)
I will finally get around to cleaning and reorganizing my garage. And probably knock out some mods to my camper. Also great time to plant the garden.
This keeps me busy when I'm stuck inside...


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Just got back from a nice snowshoe hike. They say UV kills viruses. Outside is the place to be!
Ski, how's the snow out there?
Bigfoot Dave
Just watched that movie "the Revenant" to get ready for what ever :p ! Lot's of snow here in the high desert on the east side and have plenty of vodka, beer, wood and beans to last me! Maybe a foot or so fell here last night-still snowing like the old days. They say this is supposed to last until Wednesday- no sweat! Yep just took my border collie, Timber, for a nice walk in the snow (no snow shoes , just winter boots and gaiters).. No bears seen just lot's of deer! Any way, no big rushes on the stores here yet -still plenty of toilet paper and stacks of water bottles! Anyone know what the big deal is with stocking up with all tp for-I mean why, still plenty of sagebrush and moss still growing out there for emergencies-right! Anyway I have plenty of books to read and will cook up a nice pot of red beans, ham hocks and bacon for later!

Wandering Sagebrush said:
I saw a report that our small town is out of TP, and people are using lettuce leaves.

Probably just the tip of the iceberg... I romaine in doubt.
Well if that is the case where I live is the lettuce capitol of the world,so I am
in great shape.
Work means I won't have time for much other stuff. Certainly plenty of stuff to keep my busy if I did self quarantine. I could always study for my general and get a start on my own shack. I was thinking of seeing a movie but it looks like those are closed also.

Work could get interesting. One customer sent in a team to swab the equipment that their product runs on. Could be coincidental, who knows? Many of the ingredients are sourced globally so its possible that could become an issue. I had today off because of an ingredient shortage but thats more likely to be something like a truck having trouble getting over the passes with the storm.

I wonder what they'd say if I called in and said "sorry, I'm old and need to self quarantine" :)
Geez, Bob. I dunno.
That shelf over the window has no radios hanging from it. Time for another visit to the candy store, doncha think? :p
Shouldn't you update that rig on the bottom left behind your mic with the callsign? ;)

Bigfoot Dave said:
Just got back from a nice snowshoe hike. They say UV kills viruses. Outside is the place to be!
Ski, how's the snow out there?
Bigfoot Dave
Deep and getting deeper. :)
I'll never get rid of the Collins station, although I don't use it very often. The DX-100 just above the microphone is being replaced by a Collins 32V-3 I'm in process of restoring. All this is what happens when you've been playing with radios for 60 years and never get rid of anything....

PaulT said:
Geez, Bob. I dunno.
That shelf over the window has no radios hanging from it. Time for another visit to the candy store, doncha think? :p
Shouldn't you update that rig on the bottom left behind your mic with the callsign? ;)

Hey-we are back up and have power again-the local co-gen geothermal plant came on line and wonders never cease Lost power around 930 or so, when the one PG&E power line that usually supplies most of NE Calif was was cut (part of the wonders of living here) somewhere in the Feather River Canyon. Last year after 20 or so years of bickering, the co-gen plant (it supplies power to the Nevada grid-not here), Susanville and PG&E signed an agreement with them that allows the co-gen to automatically take over here when the PG&E line goes out. Still lot's of snow here.

Heads up

Just heard from my daughter (Canadian citizen) who was trying to cross back into Canada with her boyfriend (US citizen). They live/travel in a van, and because her boyfriend could not prove "residency" in the USA, they were denied entry.

He does have a valid US driver's licence, but had to be able to show rental statement or some other proof of living in some "place" in the USA.

Makes me think that those folks who travel/RV it full time may have trouble at the border right now.
I expect Sacramento to jump on the shelter in place bandwagon. Plenty to do around home. If I don't get sick. Idiots at work had a meeting this morning. All of packed like sardines as they read the covid guidelines. They aren't very smart but I guess someone had a light go on as they cancelled the meeting for swing and grave.
Crochet. I just finished a blanket to donate to the Hospice auction, working on a project with some new and difficult techniques, yarn for new blanket on the way (anyone else out there want to geek out on crochet talk?)

Starting my veggie garden, trying to solve the wind hazard in the plans for a new greenhouse, cutting and hauling flammable brush out of here.

Walking the dog. Playing the guitar. Painting (I can also geek out on watercolor techniques!)

I'll backcountry ski when the weather improves and the avalanche danger is diminished, maybe take my paints on a local camping trip.

Retired, natural introvert. Social distancing is my lifestyle.

edit to add: I suppose I could clean and organize my tool shed.

New posts - WTW

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