Sheldon NWR and back?


Riley's Human
Jan 12, 2007
Unexpectedly have a four day weekend. Been thinking of doing black rock and or sheldon nwr this summer. I was going to wait until Labor Day for that four day weekend but why fight the holiday crowds if I don't have to. Not much time to plan though. I'm thinking (thanks Mark for the map) of A to A2 to X to A1 and then over to Cedarville and back.

Craig, do hit Virgin Valley! If you like to fish, Knott Creek, Onion Valley and the Blue Lake area are all good. Don't miss Kinney Camp either.
You're welcome, Craig (for the map). :) Umm...that definitely looks like a map I made, it's my "style"...but I can't find it. Where did I post this previously?

That loop you suggest looks good...I'm not sure I've ever been on the "x" section -- maybe once long ago. And there are lots of side-roads off those (relatively) main long as you have a good map and GPS to avoid getting lost. ;)
I'll 2nd WS's comment,--- you can even stop by the Virgin Valley CG and see where my 3 and 1 frig went crazy :oops: and I almost blew myself up on the ridge just outside of the cg :D . Maybe even let your pup take a swim in the tule pond reserved for kids and folks over 65 :p (seemed the only water around-even Big Spring res was empty) anywhere! If you take the route from Adel on 140 to Cederville back home remember they just had a pretty good sized fire in that country! Lot's of places to go in that country, so enjoy!

You definitely don't want to do this over Labor Day weekend. That is when Burning Man takes place. You and 60,000 of your closest friends will be at Black Rock. :eek:
Craig, just so you are aware -

A side note - On 17 July 2014 both Hart Mountain National Antelope Refuge and Sheldon National Wildlife Refuge went into fire restrictions. Along with the usual regulations commonly seen on National Forest and BLM public lands, the Fish & Wildlife Service requires all vehicles to carry -

[SIZE=9pt]All motorized vehicles must carry the following equipment: [/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]1) one shovel not less than 26 inches in overall length, with a blade not less than eight inches wide;[/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]2) one water container of at least one gallon filled to capacity or a 2.5 pound fully charged fire extinguisher and; [/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]3) one axe or Pulaski with a handle at least 26 inches in length and a head weight of not less than two pounds. [/SIZE]
Hmmm, maybe my 5gal backpump and McLeod might not be enough? Okay, I can add a pulaski onto my shovel mount. Hope they don't mind I have foam in my 2.5 gal extinguisher.

I don't know about doing virgin valley this time. Would screw up my loop and it looks like some pretty minor roads to connect to 140. I'll think about it.

I was hoping the burners would stay on the playa and not mosey on up to the NWR. If I can do it this weekend I won't have to worry about it.

Mark, you made that map in this thread.
craig333 said:
Ah I remember.

It's been my experience that Burners stick around the event pretty closely while it's going on (limited experience -- I showed up one year not realizing it was Burning Week, camped near Black Rock Point and wasn't bothered)...but when it's over they can disperse and possibly inundate the area for a large radius.
But as you say, you're planning to be there well before the event, so probably not an issue at all.
I just googled earthed it. Looks like I can pretty easily hit 140. So it'll be all time and distance by then. I have to remind myself I'll be on some less than high speed roads. Or I could even take a different loop coming home. I want to do the highrock area sometime by itself, have a basecamp and explore with the Jeep. So many choices.
I was slightly surprised to see google earth zoomed right in to Vya. I'll find out tomorrow if I still have four days. We didn't exactly have good production today so I'm keeping my fingers crossed.
As a gauge of road quality, the major county roads (e.g., 34 & 8A), though they're gravel and not maintained in winter (as the Stolpas learned) are easy and can be relatively high speed in the non-snowy months.
Traversable by Honda Civic as described in that 2011 trip report. I was going 60 in my car at some points... :unsure:
I should have a chance for some great night shots, if I can figure out how. I'll bring the book. No worries about doing a Stolpa. I checked the forecast for Cedarville, Gerlach and Denio and its going to be nice and warm, maybe a few clouds. Barring a last minute change in my work schedule I'll start packing tomorrow. It'll be my first run all year to territory I'm not familiar with. Heck, I haven't been out much even to country I know well! It'l be the first time for the dog on a extended drive but I don't anticipate any problems.

I better bring my spot, I doubt I can reach anything on the ham radio. Time to upgrade to general for country like this.
Craig, for night shots use a good tripod, release cable, and manual mode for focus and camera control. If you don't want star movement, use the 'Rule of 500' to determine your maximum shutter. I usually shoot at f8. Locking the mirror up is another trick for crisp images.

If you're not familiar with the Rule of 500, it's nothing more than dividing the focal length of your lens into 500. That gives you the maximum shutter exposure before you see motion blur. I like a 24mm manual focus lens, which gives a shutter speed of 20 seconds. Use ISO to get the histogram right for f8 and 20 seconds.

Have fun!
I did get a tripod off ebay. Worst case you don't see me post any night shots! Has anyone driven 34 from Gerlach to Vya? I'm thinking I might go up towards Cedarville first, then I'll either come back 34 or even stay on pavement once I hit 140 and head back to 80. Otoh thats so much pavement, but it might save me on fuel. Hmmmm, maybe I'll just wing it. Only reason not to is to make it easy on the rescue crews ;)
NV 34 between Gerlach and Vya is a good gravel road, a regularly-maintained country road.

When I go to Gerlach (to visit the southern Black Rock) I sometimes take the paved road, 447, from Cedarville and return home on 34, via Vya....or vice versa.
Wandering Sagebrush said:
Craig, for night shots use a good tripod, release cable, and manual mode for focus and camera control. If you don't want star movement, use the 'Rule of 500' to determine your maximum shutter. I usually shoot at f8. Locking the mirror up is another trick for crisp images.

If you're not familiar with the Rule of 500, it nothing more than dividing the focal length of your lens into 500. That gives you the maximum shutter exposure before you see motion blur. I like a 24mm manual focus lens, which gives a shutter speed of 20 seconds. Use ISO to get the histogram right for f8 and 20 seconds.

Have fun!
Rule of 500 works well, but I go for the most light I can get, with f stop of 2.8 (or as wide open as your lens allows). I suppose stopping down to f8 could result in a sharper image, but with only 1/16th the light (check my math, WS?)

With my 14mm manual focus I can go about 25 sec before I start to see star trails. You'll need to turn up the sensitivity of your sensor, i.e. the ISO. I can get away with iso 3200 without too much 'noise'.
craig333 said:
I should have a chance for some great night shots....
Yes, not only because of the dark location, but because the new moon is Monday (Aug 25th). So all weekend you should most of the night of Moon-free darkness, just stars.
Andy, your math is correct, or at least I think it is. As you mentioned, with today's sensors, you don't get a great deal of noise with higher ISO values, so I try for the smaller aperture.
Great thing about digital I can play to my hearts content and not cost myself anything. Thanks for reminding me to grab my books. Have to remember I never played with anything other than a 110 camera back in the film days. Its all new to me. Is this one of things where I'll have to go manual or can I try it on auto also? Should be a good trip for all my photo likes. Landscapes, wildlife and camping.

Its official, I have the time off. Stopped off and procured some nice meats at Corti, no sense in suffering while I'm out. Fueled up the truck, loading up the camper. My plan is to get an early start in the morning and continue my original plan with a detour to the virgin valley area. Of course I have four days off because we don't have enough work. Next weeks schedule is also light. Oh well, enough in the checking account for this trip. Good thing I'm not much of a winter camper anyway.

Be good to get this one done while the weather is cooperating. I hate mud.
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