Short notice: Black Rock Desert

thunder storms

Hey DD, we are having thunderstoms all week here in N. Nevada, check the weather before you head out. hate to see our Admin. get washed away in the desert.
We have other plans for this weekend and won't see you. A bit out of your way, but maybe you should hit the CA coast first. Drive through Whitethorn and find the cause of the concerning lack of participation from there.
With all this rain you should stay off the Playa for sure but there is a lot of cool places to explore in that area.
Make sure you stop in at Bruno's in Gerlac and have the Raviolis (not sure no spelling).:thumb:
If you need some info on a few places to check out let me know, I spend alot of time in that area.

You bet, I'd love to hear about some good spots to go.
A pretty cool loop trip I would recomend for a first timer is head out of Gerlach north on Hwy 34 you will come to Soldier Meadows road. Take that north along the Playa and along the way there are two Opal Mines the second is Royal Rainbow which is pay to dig your own. This is Also part of the Emigrant Trail and you will see markers along the way made of Rail Road Iron sticking out of the ground with plaks incribed with passages from wagon train diaries.After that you will come to Mud meadows Reservoir and then Soldier meadows guest ranch, pretty cool place in the middle of nowhere. It's an old US Calvary fort with some cool rock buildings. Heading west from there is some hot springs up the Fly Canyon raod. This woul be a good place to camp. further up that road is High Rock canyon with some cool very high cliffs and some 1840's carvings in the walls, this may be closed to traffic this time of year due to Hawks nesting in the canyon. this road will take you back out to Hwy 34 which is dirt at that point and if you head north a little ways is a big petrified tree and if you go south back towards Gerlach is Leadville an old mining town with some buildings still standing.
I hope this helps but please have a Good Map take your time the roads are passable in a rig like yours but very rocky in places.
Send me a PM with phone # if you what any more info I would be happy to help.
Thanks I'm going to check some of those spots. I have the BLM Map/brochure of the area which isn't highly detailed but I plan to stick to the routes on that map for the most part. Will be taking it easy as far as terrain goes too. I've been down 34 and to the petrified tree - pretty neat.
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