Slot Canyons & Rain

Taking the time to start a video seems like a nice gesture to the next of kin. I know from fishing it doesn't take much fast moving water to knock you down.

Anyway, I was out in Moab last week and we were hiking in the Fiery Furnace and got some rain - we never got more than ankle deep before we exited but I was surprised at how fast the water rose.

So looked in the video there were lots of options to get to high ground quickly - serious question - would that have been a better strategy?
Vic said:
So looked in the video there were lots of options to get to high ground quickly - serious question - would that have been a better strategy?
For sure. I would have grabbed high ground the first chance I had. They had no way of knowing how much it was raining. And from their conversation, it sounds like they knew there was a chance of rain and went into a slot canyon anyway. Nutso.
It's not only in slot canyons in desert country that you need to worry about flash floods ! About 10, 000 years ago (1964) my army unit was on maneuvers in the Arizona desert and it came time to set up camp for the night, well, our new 2nd LT thought that this neat dry wash would be a nice place to camp. We, especially our platoon sgt, tried to tell him this was not the place to camp because of flash floods. But being a new Lt and he could do no wrong, he over ruled very one and of course, it rained up country that night and camp got flooded to the point that our duce and a halfs were the only safe place from the flood. I don't know if this story tells you why you team up a new Lt with and old Sgt or the problem with 2nd Lt's or learning desert survival the hard way, but what do we say on this site all the time, "be prepared out there"! (hope this is not a hijack)!

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