Smoke, did you know about this?

Great story!

Haven't read it before..
...but I did see the associated map in a friends FB posting:

Sure don't remember it being like that out there-times change though?, although there are lots of little homesteads/cabins out there-some cooking meth and growing things, some just enjoying life :LOL: and most to be avoided if at all possible! Come to think of it, maybe I wasn't looking for the same things he was, but the key is "the Burning Man" me thinks:p--weird things happen out there, but it sounds like he had a few hits of something before he got there, a few during and kept going on to new adventures! It looked like he was littering to boot! FBI sedans-must have missed those -come to think of it, maybe an FBI guy would try to drive around out there in a sedan, saw a quite a few people driving around out there who didn't belong -could have missed this guy! Once ran into a guy on a 4x4 trail-in the middle of nowhere- over by Wall Canyon (NE of Duck Flat)--he was in an big RV and was pulling (bouncing) a boat behind it and-You guessed it-when I asked where he was going he said he was heard the fishing was good up at Wall Canyon Res-never been there-showed me the map, and everything, sort of like us, out exploring, good intentions, but all the wrong gear, he ended up deciding to camp where he was and think about his next move because he would have never made it!:cool: May have to retrace his trip, any volunteers!

Somebody please do the same with Starbucks..........................

Cool idea.
I bet the largest Starbucks-free zones will be bigger than the largest McD-free zones. As densely-placed as Starbucks are, I know towns that have a McD that don't have Starbucks. More people are interested in cheap protein, carbos, fat, and salt than are interested in expensive coffee. ;)
I ran across this when a conversation turned to how far from a paved road you could get (lower 48). Poster said 50 miles. No idea if thats accurate or not but seeing the mc'ds I think it might be.
Somebody please do the same with Starbucks..........................

I found something: It isn't a map, and I don't know what its source or accuracy is, and it's about a town's distance from the nearest Starbucks (not farthest spot-on-a-map) but according to this site, there's a town in Montana that's 237 miles from the nearest Starbucks. And quite a few towns (according to that site) are >100 miles from the nearest Starbucks.
It also shows how densely-sited Starbucks are in some areas.

I ran across this when a conversation turned to how far from a paved road you could get (lower 48). Poster said 50 miles. No idea if thats accurate or not but seeing the mc'ds I think it might be.

I've done some web-searching...but am having surprising trouble getting a reliable answer.

Some sources discuss "furthest from a road -- any road, paved or unpaved" but I don't like that approach. The problem comes from what counts as a road when its unpaved. Really, you'd have to count any two-track route as a road, otherwise you end up making some arbitrary, judgement-call cut-off at some point: "that's a road, but that's a 2-track trail". And if you count every old faded two-track jeep trail out there as a road it will be very hard to come to any conclusion. You might as well just say: "What's the largest designated Wilderness Area" and then pick the center of it.
So, "furthest from paved?" is the question to ask if you want to come to a satisfying conclusion (for me, anyway), and that's what's been giving me trouble in a web search. I found a couple references to some area in Yellowstone...but I think that was furthest from any road.
I'll keep searching...

Craig, do you remember where you saw that "50 miles" claim?
That was just a guy on expo which is why I do not give it much credence. Interesting concept though. Its probably more true than not. Still, thats considering you go the right way. Get lost and take the wrong turn, oops. And of course, it makes a lot of difference depending on the season. a ten mile wrong turn in dv in teh summer can deadly, much the same in the snow. Easy to say its an easy walk in good weather.
That was just a guy on expo which is why I do not give it much credence. Interesting concept though. Its probably more true than not. Still, thats considering you go the right way. Get lost and take the wrong turn, oops. And of course, it makes a lot of difference depending on the season. a ten mile wrong turn in dv in teh summer can deadly, much the same in the snow. Easy to say its an easy walk in good weather.

My problem is taking those famous short cuts out there, you know, you just a left down by the three rocks, then right up the hill to the left about 10 mile or so-------. Seems they never are shorter, just get you allot loster:cool:! Yep, found my self on more than a few dozer roads with no turn -a-rounds, in 4 low and yet only a few miles from that coffee shop and civilization! Of course I wasn't lost-I knew where I was -on a dozer road going up the side of Mt Dome. Remember that thread a while back on the Stoffas' (the Stupids) , now there was a wrong turn at the wrong time by someone who should have never left his house, yet alone tried to drive to Idaho via Via (er er) and the Northern Great Basin in the winter! Man the explorer!:( Come to think of it-Didn't the Donner Party take both a short cut and a wrong turn!

The Donner party is a really interesting story, not for usual reasons ie: poor judgement in taking on the sierras in winter, the cannibalism issue (seems overblown) but the story of how the women really kept most of them alive. How once word reached Sacramento the rescue efforts were truly heroic.
As I recall there is a informational marker at a scenic overlook on the NE shore of Yellowstone Lake that says something to the effect of the next paved road not occuring until Jackson, WY. I don't know the exact details of the claim, but if you are talking about furthest distance from a paved road in the lower 48, my guess is that region would be a good place to start.

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