Snow Run


Riley's Human
Jan 12, 2007
Since the truck had a full tank and I had the time we headed up to see if the rumored white stuff was really there. Started seeing bits shortly after leaving Placerville. I grabbed the camera to snap a pic of the parking at the Safeway in Pollock Pines (because after loading all my gear I still forgot dog food) where I found the battery was dead and I hadn't bothered to grab the camera bag with the charger and extra battery. Time to see how well the new phone (Motorola Moto X gen2 and a switch from att to verizon) does. Scenery was awesome.

After finding some numbnut blocking the road I had intended to travel by Icehouse I decided to try and get to airport flat cg. Almost made it. After leaving the plowed part of the road I went about a hundred yards before deciding to back out. Missed my tracks.

So I get out the shovel. Dig dig dig. Nope. Dig dig dig dig. Nope. Dig dig dig dig dig. Still nope. Okay, should I air down? Get out the hi lift and put the chains on? Hmmmm, how about we try out the Maxtrax I've never used. Glad I did as I found them very difficult to remove from the roof. I'll remedy that this afternoon. Put them under the rear wheels and hit the throttle.

She pops right out and I'm free. I decided to camp right where they'd plowed a turnaround.

I'd like to know the story behind this. Snow cave, fire, drying pole? Crudely opened can of something. Scavenged wood (bark, small limbs).

Riley loves the snow. I think he's a Husky in a Labradors body. It was snowing lightly. Nice fluffy snow.

Anyone know what these tracks are?

So its time to do a litte snowshoeing. Unfortunately my snow boots are great for standing around at the chili cookoff but way to heavy for this.

Riley did find a few more clues in the snow. An empty handwarmer container, two cheapie but functional led flashlights and an Adventure Medical Survival blanket. Unused. (We were following snowmobile tracks that ended about a half back)

In spite of my forced air furnace not working the campfire and Wave3 worked just fine.

Other than the plow drivers and Smud workers almost no one was up there. Stopped at Icehouse Reservoir on the way out, empty.

Glad Riley doesn't really look like this!

Good to see snow again :)
Glad the Maxtrax did the trick for you. I've been known to put on tire chains just so I can get up my driveway (even after shoveling). Maybe I should invest in a pair. Looks like you had a nice trip and a good outing for Riley. Yesterday, my dog went into a drift as tall as she is. It's the first time I've seen a high-centered dog. She needed help getting paw traction. Anyway, thanks for the trip report! I enjoyed it.
Good fun for you and the dog on the snow. Looks like those max tracks were quite the ticket. Is it me, or are your snow shoes on the wrong feet?
Curious about the tires. Are those all terrain tires or real snow tires? I'm just surprised you got stuck and want a reference point. I plan to be heading up in those kinds of conditions too.

They're all terrains but really more of a street terrain. They stick pretty well on the plowed roads but don't work well in the heavier stuff. Deep snow just isn't the the best place for a really heavy truck. I'm sure aired down would have helped but if I'm really going to play in the snow I'll bring the Jeep. It would have laughed at that stuck but its a quarter of weight and locked up front and rear. Open diffs on the truck. Otoh, if you do get it stuck the Jeep is really uncomfortable to sleep in :)

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