Snow snow snow


Riley's Human
Jan 12, 2007
I took a day trip to let Riley play in the snow. I didn't want to join the expected crowds on the MET nor did I want Ski yelling at me for blocking his UPS box :)

Surprisingly little traffic on Highway 50 and very little on the Ice House Road either. It wasn't hard to find plenty of snow.

A handful of families up playing in the snow and maybe twice that many cross country skiers/snowshoers

Speaking of snowshoes, it was a mistake not to bring mine. Sank scary deep in the snow a few times. It was raining at Ice House and I decided to head up the road. Definitely not taking the back way into Georgetown.

On up to Loon Lake where hopefully the rain will change to snow. It didn't.

I can certainly see how you could get lost in a whiteout in a hurry.

We played in the snow a few more times before heading home. At least with the rain the roads weren't all icy. Very little traffic on the way home.
Julie was up to the top of Robbs Peak with a couple of friends a week ago Friday. Yup, rain here yesterday.....and still raining today. We went down the hill yesterday to ease the cabin fever.

Thanks for the report Craig. :)
Yes it its. I wouldn't want to be standing underneath it at the wrong time though :)
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