Solar panel install questions


Advanced Member
Jun 23, 2011
I got one of those cheap 100watt panels and it only has a glass pane covering it. I expect some sort of plexiglass covering it would be a good idea since I plan on mounting it to the roof of my 80's fwc. I was at the hardware store and was eyeing the lexan since it is suppose to be stronger but noticed on the labeling that it blocks UV's. That didn't sound like a good thing to cover a solar panel with. What is a good and/or affordable material to use for this? Just standard cheap plexiglass?

Another related question. I've read that it is good to have clearance beneath the panel when mounting to help cool the panel off and make it work more efficiently. Is the same true for the top of the panel? Or does it not matter on the top side? I ask because I think it might be easier to just sandwich the piece of plexiglass (or whatever I end up using) on the top of the panel rather than adding some sort of spacers.

Thanks for the help ya'll have provided in the past and now.
I haven't really heard of anyone covering the glass on these and you don't readily hear of issues. Yes it is glass but it is tempered glass and the cells are glued to it which is going to inherently reinforce the structure. Considering the price we got these for (I got one too) I'm just going to run it as is.
Good point. Thanks. I guess maybe it just looks more fragile than it is. And probably a bit of the fear of the unknown since I've never messed with solar before.
Did I miss something? Where are you getting the cheap 100 watt panels?
I posted up a thread a couple months back with some deals I thought worth mentioning:

I got a 100watt panel, as well as some others, but it looks like those are gone. The 80watt is still there though.
At the risk of derailing the thread - one thing that has kept me from getting a PV panel so far is hail. The roof of my Eagle shows some character after having been through a couple of monsoon hailstorms. Has anyone had any experience with their panels and hail?
The panels on my 4WC had been through several hailstorms with no issues. None of those included the large hail they get on the plains, I would say 1/4" or less. That glass is pretty strong.
I'd suspect if its enough to damage the panel you'll probably be crying over your truck and camper more than the panel itself. I've thought about tree branches falling and other objects, but if that happens it happens. Not going to lose sleep over it.
Yea.. as an east coaster I'm more worried about branches... and a basic lack of understanding of how strongly built this panel I bought really is. But I got my answer so feel free to derail my thread as much as ya'll want. ;]
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