Solar panel output


Senior Member
Site Team
Jul 26, 2011
New England
On my Victron I noticed yesterday that though the panel was in direct light the watts were on showing 7.
This morning it shows 0.
But Volts are 19 and 0 Amps
How can this be?
I tested at the terminal and the panel is at 19 V.
Well that would be nice ... being a novice I just assumed the monitor would still register the output of the panel even if it wasn’t charging? Heck if I know. I sure hope you are right! Then I can go fuss over something else.
Well hell’s bells. I went in the camper and turned a whole bunch of stuff on and sure enough.... wattage showed up on the panel monitor. I just learned up.
Afternoon buckland
I really don't know a lot about solar. I just put morning, and it was charging yesterday. I've read that when no current is needed they are smart enough and don't charge if they don't need to. So was a good guess on my part.What Mr.iowahiker said kinda makes sense ( still learning)about the max voltage and no current.

Thanks for the beer, Amazon just delivered it. It was frothy.

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