Some Inspiration


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Jun 30, 2009
Sierra Nevada Range
After an awful day yesterday, with yet another act of senseless violence slamming the national media, I needed to see something like this video. The reality is that beautiful things happen everyday, simple wonderful things. And, they vastly out number the bad. It's a matter of focus.

Landfill Harmonics
After an awful day yesterday, with yet another act of senseless violence slamming the national media, I needed to see something like this video. The reality is that beautiful things happen everyday, simple wonderful things. And, they vastly out number the bad. It's a matter of focus.

Landfill Harmonics

Thank you Ski.This is an incredible story.Our country ,if we are the world leader should listen more and not demand as much.We can all learn from stories like this.
Can't thank you enough.
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