Southeastern Utah - Fall 2018

Wandering Sagebrush said:
Bill, I assume you’re using a drone for the 360° panoramas. Can you tell us more about what you’re using, and how it’s done?
Thanks for your interest. For a couple of years I have been wishing for a better way to convey the beauty and glory of the landscapes through which I travel for my blog readers. A drone or UAV that could take video and photos seemed to be an answer.

With mine I just fly up to the desired altitude, send command for the panorama, and the drone does the rest including moving the camera and stitching together all the images into one jpg file. Upload file to server and ta-dah!

I realize this doesn't fully answer your question, but my original answer was becoming extremely long. I realized it might itself generate more questions and discussions, so though maybe I should put the full answer in a separate post.

For the full answer and to establish a more general discussion of aerial photography I started this thread:

Check it out and please post your questions and comments on this topic there.
Bill, more on topic to the Comb and Butler wash. I recall that you did the Comb wash road in the last few years as well; how would you compare the two sides of the wash? My maps show a lot of hiking/ruins in Butler, but not much in the Comb wash itself. Would you do both washes on one trip?
Vic Harder said:
Bill, more on topic to the Comb and Butler wash. I recall that you did the Comb wash road in the last few years as well; how would you compare the two sides of the wash? My maps show a lot of hiking/ruins in Butler, but not much in the Comb wash itself. Would you do both washes on one trip?
I've done both sides a couple times and they are different with Comb Ridge dividing the two. On the west side Comb Ridge is much more vertical while accessing things from the east in Butler Wash there are more ruins that you can gain access to and I find better hiking along that side of the escarpment though it isn't as dramatic. Going back I could spend several days in Butler Wash easily where Comb Wash I feel like I can drive through with a couple shorter explorations, as always YMMV.

A great resource are the Cedar Mesa Atlas and Cedar Mesa Day Hikes books by Joe Berardi. I ordered mine off the Big A.

Sorry to address the question you had addressed to Bill.

Cayuse said:
I've done both sides a couple times ...

Sorry to address the question you had addressed to Bill.
Vic, thanks for the question and Bob, thanks for answering as I've only driven through each once. There certainly seemed like more side roads leading off toward the ridge on the Butler Wash side. I'll probably explore more along there next season before going back up the west side.
Thanks! That's exactly what I was looking for. I'm planning a trip for September/October 2019 with lots of boondocking in Utah, and adding this area in as well.
Bill, We we're there in late September. Great to see better photos than mine and the 360 are awesome. Didn't know about Comb or Butler Washes until 3 weeks ago. We will be back to explore. Thanks for sharing.
longhorn1 said:
Bill, We we're there in late September. Great to see better photos than mine and the 360 are awesome. Didn't know about Comb or Butler Washes until 3 weeks ago. We will be back to explore. Thanks for sharing.
Don't feel bad, JD, it took me 4 years to get to Comb Wash and 6 years to get to Butler Wash - there are so many wonderful places to explore, you can't get to all of them right away.

Thanks for your nice comment!

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