Southwest Fall Travels


Advanced Member
Feb 14, 2015
Everett, Washington
Took me awhile, but I finally finished editing my photos and writing about our 2014 Fall trip through the Southwest that took us, my wife and I, the long way around to Las Vegas where we attended my 55th Kailua H.S. class reunion. We traveled from Everett, Washington through Oregon, Idaho, Utah and New Mexico before turning around in Texas at the Big Bend National Park. Headed back north through New Mexico and Arizona to Nevada for the reunion before continuing home through California and Oregon.
Come join us on our blog link . The adventure took us 5 weeks of traveling 5,768 miles where we saw some great sunrises and sunsets, while we also enjoyed many of our national treasures. Hope you enjoy. Southwest Fall Trip

Coast to Coast
You guys covered a lot of ground with those two trips! Lots of great photos. Enjoyed the wild but tame burros- crazy legacy from the mining days. Fun to see the heartland and east coast. We want to get to Maine and the Smokies too some day. Thanks for posting.
Enjoyed both trips. The FWC makes a great platform for seeing the USA. One question, why do you keep your jacks on? they do add a lot of weight.
Mike I enjoyed your trip report.All the "sky" photos are terrific.
The colors of the rock and mountains,again terrific.
Thanks for sharing.
As a side note.We always travel with 2 sometimes 3 credit cards and the ATM card,plus cash and the check book.
Last Christmas as we visited out daughter in Spain we had a similar experience someone had gotten our card info and had charged a $15,000 ring in Bangkok. So our one card wasn't useable.But the backups worked.

Thank you for posting.
Will check our the next trip.
Just checked out the C to C trip.Again great photos.
Your shots capture so much color.
I enjoyed your Eats shots,the ones around the Frenchtown NJ area.
I am from that area and nice to see it again.
Thanks for your trip post.
Bill, I keep the jacks on because I keep thinking I may want to take the camper off, especially on longer trips. I have taken them off, but it 's such a hassle taking off and putting on. But your right about weight.
Headed south to California today, hope to meet you.

Thanks to all of you for your comments, hope to meet you also, if your at the rally.
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