Spring is springing....

Wandering Sagebrush

Free Range Human
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Nov 17, 2013
Northeast Oregon
Just looked out at the side yard. I've got a camellia bush that is coming on to full bloom, plus the daffodils under my big leaf maple are about 10 inches high.

Seems a bit early...
That doesn't sound right...sounds a bit unnatural. :eek:

Actually...the local TV weatherman mentioned something about a forecast of "early spring" last night...but I hope he's wrong.
It's still snowing here on the east side with temps this week in the high teens and low 20's at night and day in the 40's ; and this after a week of way above (almost 20 degrees above normal in some places) average temps that melted allot of the snow from the last series of storms. In some ways this feels like an "Indian Summer" break of old and a return to Winter? Hey as long as it keeps snowing in the high country that's what counts and that old ground hog can crawl back in his hole again.

We got slammed with 2 1/2 feet of snow in 2 days and now a week later it is in the 50's and raining. Can you say flooding????
Normally here in SE Texas, we get about 5-10 nights of near freezing temps Dec.-March. We have barely had two this entire winter. No complaints here at all.
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