Spring rendezvous?

Yep, that's close enough -- but it's Pike Creek (not Pine). Doesn't matter really what you call it, though, since there aren't any signs anyway...since it's not an official campground. But if you stopped to ask directions from a local you should say "Pike".

The roadside on the west side of the road in that stretch is fenced, but there's a cattle guard through the fence at the turn off to Pike Creek.

I saw the "2007 Sunlite" in your signature, but I couldn't remember what you had, so I didn't know if that was the new one or the old one.

You leaving Sunday or Monday Silvertip? I'm pretty sure I'm leaving Sunday and taking my time getting over there. Do some exploring on the way North.

Weather forecast for southeast Oregon in the coming week still looks good -- sunny and dry:
Fields, OR

With lows like that I may not even turn on my heater -- definitely not going to bring my Reflectix insulation for the walls. :)
:LOL:On the road again-next stop, the store for more dog food, some ice then up 395 to 140 and adventures!

When you get to Pike Creek, Smoke, spread your gear around all over the place to "reserve" it...maybe set Bob up as guard dog to repel undesirables.
Can I get a report on extent of water cover on the Playa???? :cautious: Got a photo in mind and it might prompt a trip out soon. Good access via entrance on NE side if west entrance is wet.
I received a number of phone calls and emails from folks that have been following WTW but never posted here. They say they'll be coming to OX including someone from Detroit. Could be a party goin' on.

The ATC Cougar is on the truck and I'll be heading up to Mormon Lake in the AM. I hope to see lots of WTWers at Overland Expo this weekend..
The ATC Cougar is on the truck and I'll be heading up to Mormon Lake in the AM. I hope to see lots of WTWers at Overland Expo this weekend..

A trip report we are anxiously awaiting. Have a great time!
Working again...I'm gonna have to go to one of these conspicuous consumption rallies once, though. Next year I'll be free. I also look forward to your report! Stay safe
Well I'm Back from OX. Aside from the fact that I had to drive 200 miles further than last year, got sick as a dog (my apologies to Dillon), the wind was 15 to 20 kns and the overnight temps were in the mid 30's I had a great time. The usual assortment of exhibiters were there although there seemed fewer than last year. It seemed to me that the there were 3 times as many attendees than I saw last year. A number of folks that have visited this site and my web site came over to see the Cougar and say hi.

The best part was camping (camping? pix to follow) with Marc & Dillon, Bob (K6ON), Ted (Magellan) & Donna and my brother in law Phin. Marc brought blue fin sashimi that was out of this world. Bisley Bud was there. 4 Wheel sold him a "naked" Granby and installed his own intereior. It is gorgeous and looks like the inside of a yacht. Linda from Pennsylvania came by to say hi. She owns a Tacoma with a 5 foot bed and ended up buying a 4 Wheel from Chris, the new dealer in Denver.

Bob bought me a new hat. I'm sure he'll post a pic or 2 with me wearing it. There was a lot of talk about putting together another Baja trip. Pam and I would be up for that!

Here we have Bob's Ram w/ ATC modified 4Wheel, Marc's F350 w/XP, my Ram and ATC Cougar, Phin's FJ and Ted's new Tundra (he and Donna are a 2 Tundra family now.).
OX 1.jpg

We all agreed This Is Not Camping


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