Star Wars in Bend?

Don't they know it rains in Oregon, it's too hot, there are deer ticks, mosquitos, horse flies and hornets? Dang, I'd change shooting locations if I were them.

Oh, stinging nettle and lots of poison oak, too...
Casa Escarlata Robles Too said:
Mark here's your chance to be a "film star". The article said they would need lots of extras.
You never know you could become famous.
If you do will you still remember us?
My people will get back to your people.
ntsqd said:
This is gonna be bigger than the Bartles & James ads era.
The ads that starred a farmer from Alfalfa? Those were the days...

[Alfalfa: a farming community a few miles east of Bend]
oh gawd!

fwiw the guy that I worked for on his custom dairy hay operation in Powell Butte knew that guy in Alfalfa. Jim asked what he was gonna do with his new wealth. "W'all, I bought the wife a new warsher & dryer" was his response. My kind of people.....
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