Suggestions needed: I've got $80 gift card for local Army Surplus store!

x2 on wool army blankets. Great for extra warmth in wet weather and make great packing pads as well. I carry 2 in my truck.

Some surplus stores carry stuff that's not surplus. I have what I'd call a heavy duty "Space Blanket". It's kind of a cross between a Cheap blue tarp and a silver space blanket. I've had it for years. I need to get 2 new ones. These have eyelets in the corners so they make good quicky small tarps. Great for putting in your chair with the silver towards the fire before you sit down in cold weather. Really works well for keeping the back warm. Also great to cover a cooler or fridge in hot or sunny weather. Silver reflecting the sun away. Makes a huge difference in ice consumption.

They are cheap, Light, fold small (about the size of a magazine when folded). Lot's of uses. Great ground cloth under a sleeping bag.
Yes to compass. Whistle, coveralls/flight suit, wool socks & gloves, boot insoles, head lamp, animal spray deterrent (bears or dogs - sorry!). Extra mini flashlights and pocket knives are always useful.

Jerky. Food can make a good "gift" to a those you meet along the way.

Edited to nice-ify
Hi Bill D!
I do have a robust first aid kit that I put together, but I'm sure there's always something I could add to it.
Hmmmm. I'll have to ponder that.

Klahanie - I have most of that, but extra lamps/pocket knives aren't a bad thing!
kmcintyre - I promised myself I'd try this place for a year, so I'll hafta see how I fare through the winter (it's 11 [SIZE=10.5pt]°[/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt]F now, down to the single digits at night! whoa) I like the people here, but the weather is not campering[/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt] [/SIZE]conducive and the terrain doesn't change much. I got pretty spoiled living out West. :)

If I could figure out a decent way to make money while on the road, I'd be happy camper (ha!) Ideally something that is a mixture of passive income and active. I realized that working f/t from a computer while on the road isn't really functional for me. I could probably do part time, but that's still constrictive and I'd probably want more comfortable digs to do that in. My FWC is great, but not exactly designed for hanging out inside for hours each day!
So, I'm kinda looking towards Tucson.
It's too far away from my beloved wilds of Utah, but it's within reach at least.

Probably more info than you wanted, but I am nothing if not verbose. :D
This may just be sloppy reading on my part, but: does your first aid kit include a couple of those instant ice packs? The kind you smoosh and some kind of chemical reaction makes it turn cold? Like you, I keep a fairly well-stocked camper and truck and a bug-out pack. I've found the ice packs really useful more than once. Good on bug bites, burns, sprains, plantar fascitis (damn!), kids falling off bicycles. Probably help slow the spread of venom in case of snake bite.
Oh yeh, a good sharpening tool for your axe, machete, etc. A dull axe is a dangerous and useless thing. I've got a Fiskars sharpener that works pretty well.
N'kwala - I don't have instant ice packs! They have those at most surplus stores? That would be a good addition!

and is that sharpener easy to use?
I have a Fiskars axe, and I got a hatchet at the last Overland Expo, though I'm thinking about getting a Fiskars hatchet instead because I like the shape better than the one I got. We'll see on that one.
Hi Dawn
Heck of a lot of good suggestions here! Compass I think is must have, they always work. Maybe a MRE if there is something interesting.
Tucson is where I think Cayuse relocated to. Have a great New Year!

hoyden said:
kmcintyre - I promised myself I'd try this place for a year, so I'll hafta see how I fare through the winter (it's 11 [SIZE=10.5pt]°[/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt]F now, down to the single digits at night! whoa) I like the people here, but the weather is not campering[/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt] [/SIZE]conducive and the terrain doesn't change much. I got pretty spoiled living out West. :)

If I could figure out a decent way to make money while on the road, I'd be happy camper (ha!) Ideally something that is a mixture of passive income and active. I realized that working f/t from a computer while on the road isn't really functional for me. I could probably do part time, but that's still constrictive and I'd probably want more comfortable digs to do that in. My FWC is great, but not exactly designed for hanging out inside for hours each day!
So, I'm kinda looking towards Tucson.
It's too far away from my beloved wilds of Utah, but it's within reach at least.

Probably more info than you wanted, but I am nothing if not verbose. :D
Nice!!!! Another idea for you would be a partial payment on a Garmin InReach +!
kmcintyre said:
Nice!!!! Another idea for you would be a partial payment on a Garmin InReach +!
At the Army Surplus store? I'm pretty sure they don't have those there! :D
but that'd be nice to have!
Compass is good but not so if you don't know how to use and especially if no map or preplanned waypoints. 1st aid is always good but need to know how to use too. All the suggestions are good... choose what suits you best for now and you can get the other stuff later ;)

I totally get that. and you are totally right. Too many people buy the best kits, but don't know how to use the stuff and get in a pinch and all that stuff does not good.

It's been a long time since I used a compass, but I remember basic stuff. I could use a brush up. Good reminder! I bet there's learnin' online.

As for First Aid kit - I'm trained EMT, and confident in my knowledge and skills. I can split, stitch, not afraid of blood, keep my head in emergency situations, etc.

Time to make a list! It's now zero degrees and we've got windchill of something like 20 below.
But I'm gonna get to that surplus store today! :)
Signal mirror? If hurt or lost and aircraft are looking for you. Those aluminum surplus tent stakes are the best!! Para cord.
I was born in 1947, the surplus stores had great stuff left over from WWII. As a kid I loved to spend time at them.
I've considered a signal mirror. Then I think "I've got my SPOT, so I'm good" but I also dislike relying on electronics.
Those aren't pricey, so I'll add to my list!

Paracord! Super handy! I think I have a roll in my camper, but I'll double check.

This one doesn't have near as much stuff as the one in the podunk town near where grew up. I used to go roam around that one often.
I guess they do most of their sales online. Meh.

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