Tahoe from Santa Barbara Via hwy 395 (CA)


Senior Member
Jul 10, 2012
Santa Barbara
Hey WTW crew. I am working on planning a little bit of the yearly trip to Tahoe which takes place in a few weeks. We will be leaving after work on Friday night. Stopping in the Alabama Hills to camp for the night. Due to the heat we will most likely be up early and on the road again.

Right now after that we are headed to Mammoth Lakes area. We plan on riding the mountain for a few days. Does anyone have any awesome dirt roads/ camps they might be willing to share in the area?

After a few days in Mammoth we are headed to Tahoe. We will stay a few days on the west shore with the in-laws.

We would like to spend a few days in Tahoe camping and riding. Any good back country lakes that are worth checking out? I dont really want to do a long epic drive to a lake, but some short overnight jaunts would be great. Any info you could provide would be great!

Also, and good spots between Mammoth and Tahoe we should stop at? Shorten the drive time up?

Thanks in Advance! :D

Gotta post a pict if Im asking for advice! haha

The Rubicon Trail terminates (or begins if travelling east to west) on the West Shore, but don't get talked into taking your rig on the Rubicon. We like to hike in from the western side at Loon Lake and watch the jeeps work their way down the trail. The little sluicebox is pretty entertaining. I'm not sure if the eastern side of the trail is good for spectators.

Highway 89 north of Truckee has a maze of dirt roads they get rough in spots but they are very passable with a long wheelbase truck. Sardine Peak Lookout and Henness Pass Road may be fun, but it is a bit of a drive from the Homewood area.

There are also the old railroad tunnels across from the Donner Ski Ranch parking lot. They were part of the transcontinental railroad, but the tracks were relocated a few years ago. Take the old road up from Donner Lake. A lot of history in the area.
Don't know what you have in mind for the Mammoth area for camping.The road gown to the Devils Postpile has some quiet spots.The one we like is the Minarets CG.It's on the San Joaquin river.There nice hiking trails connecting with the John Muir and PCT.
There a lot of nice camp spots along the 395 north of Bridgeport along the Walker river.
Hope the info helps.
Enjoy the trip
Stop at the Mono Lake visitor center then decide if it warrants more exploration. May want a quick side trip to Bodie. Nice camping around green creek, you could even try and find Ted's Dunderberg spot. Stop at the top of Monitor pass and ride down, experience a piece of the death ride.
Leavitt is a goal of mine. Wheeler Crest area near Toms Place is pretty awesome. Horton Creek north of Bishop is 5 bucks a night. Might be a bit warm there at this time of year. Grandview in the Whites is awesome.

Want some company on the way? Sounds like a great trip!
SLO_F-250 said:
Also, and good spots between Mammoth and Tahoe we should stop at? Shorten the drive time up?
Hey, Paul, a visit to Twin Lakes outside Bridgeport is always fun. There are private and national forest CGs back in there and great hiking below Sawtooth Ridge. Also, a side trip to Bodie State Park (if it is still open). There a number of hot springs in the area.
TIOGA LAKE (although right on the road is super scenic)
SADDLEBACK LAKE --GREAT multi lake loop hike at the NW end of the lake
LUNDY CANYON --good hike up to Saddleback Lake...
Guys! Thank you for all the great recommendations. I will be researching and planning more in the next coming days and will let you know what I come up with. Cheers!
I think you have lots of great options for the drive up to Tahoe, so how about just a few for Tahoe. I think Watson lake would make for a nice little lake to camp at and of course Watson peak is one of my favorites. Both have great riding opportunities. Also the C.G. At the top of Mt Rose puts you real close to some great riding on the rim trail. Lastly, how bout bear lake out of blackwood canyon right there on the west shore for some more lake camping. Of course this time of year it is all timing on how quiet it can be. If you need a riding partner let me know.
Again, thanks for everyone's recommendations and help! :D

The plan of attack is starting to take form.

Leave Friday noon and Make our way to the Alabama Hills for a quick overnight.
Sat morning head to Mammoth Lakes area and camp off the dry creek roads area. Possibly ride up to Inyo Crater Lake. Has anyone camped in this area of Mammoth? Im just trying to stay away from the Mass's.
Sunday we plan on riding the mountain then heading to Leavitt Lake
Monday we will explore the area a bit around Leavitt Lake and possibly stay there or head closer to Tahoe.

Does anyone have a spot along Hwy 89 towards Tahoe that we should camp at? One that should not be missed? :)

Wu Wei, I appreciate the Tahoe input. I will look into those next and ask some more questions. We are looking to find some dirt road camping and riding. I will post a few more questions after I have dug into it. I am game to ride with ya. Ill keep you posted. Thanks!
Thanks again for the recommendations! The trip was great and I am NOT looking forward to work tomorrow after 9 days on the road!

We ended up hitting up the spots in this order.
Alabama Hills
Green Creek
Leavitt Lake
Tahoe (4) days
Mt. Rose Wilderness
Alabama Hills (on the way home)

Below are a few teaser shots and trip report to follow. Thanks again!

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