The 2009 Colorado Rally Prequel

Lake San Cristobal:


Williams Creek campground, my home for the next five nights:

There are trails all over the area. I started with a 13 mile round trip hike right from the campground to the top of a nearby mountain. At the top looking towards Cinnamon Pass:


The greatness of a day can be measured by how tired your dog is at the end of that day.

-DirtyDog, 2009


Lake City:

I stopped at an RV park for a shower and there were Marmots all over the joint:


New day - hiking Alpine Gulch. The trail crosses Henson Creek 7 times in the first few miles - some precarious log crossings.


Notice anything unusual about this pic?
Prospector's cabin:




Had to get out of here fast as weather was moving in. Got a lot of rain and hail on the way down but still a good day.
And finally the rally officially begins with the arrival of Marc:


Part 2 of this report was posted previously and can be seen here for anyone who missed it:

Another great trip, going to have to make Colorado an annual trek!
Kokopelli - I filled out the change of address card with the Post Office - if you wouldn't mind throwing my mail in a bag until I arrive I'd appreciate it!

No problem DD - it will be waiting for you :)

Great report as usual. You do such a nice job of photo documenting your adventures and find such interesting places to go and things to photograph.

Thanks for sharing.
Great report. More places to put on the list. Whats so bad about cow pies? You might not want to camp at Dillon's Beach.
Great report. More places to put on the list. Whats so bad about cow pies? You might not want to camp at Dillon's Beach.

When you have a long-haired dog that loves to roll in poo, then you'll know. Plus I just dont like tracking it into the camper.

You do some really cool exploring. Love to read those writeups. Now, if you could publish a book of trips so we could follow........that would be cool.


When you have a long-haired dog that loves to roll in poo, then you'll know. Plus I just dont like tracking it into the camper.

My dogs have been pretty good about that (knock on wood) though I was worried about that dead sea lion.
Nice report, DD. Those old buildings are very impressive.

Man ... You do get around.

And that is why he is Captain Leisure!

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