The Big California Storm ..


Old & Soft
Apr 22, 2008
Sacramento, CA
Well the "huge" storm arrived last night, Winds expected at 35 ~ 40 sustained and gusts to 60 ~ 65mph
in Sacramento. Never happened, saw gusts maybe to 35. Heavy / torrential rains were forecast for today have not happened. We're getting some nice needed rainfall, but nothing like the gully-washers that were forecast.

Sure wish that back when I was working, I could have been wrong about 50% of the time and kept my job.

So how is it where you live??

winter storm.jpg
Quite windy in the Willamette Valley. In Portland, Windows on a major building blown out by steel from a neighboring building. A minor structural failure on another building. Strongest gusts 50-65, higher to the south. Nearly 90 along the coast. No rain yet. Lots of power outages.

Fir boughs all over my yard, and a fence section pushed over.
The real danger was driving. It was more water skiing than driving. Visibility was awful because of the spray from tires. Had to keep the speed down to stay safe. Unfortunate for some, they didn't get the memo. Tow trucks were very busy today.
Wind caused some power outages and cancelled flights in Central Oregon. Not much rain...but even an inch would be a lot in this dry area.
Portland/Western Oregon had similar issues, but more-so.
Update: the neighbor just knocked on the door. His Sitka spruce came down across my driveway and fence. Glad I don't have anywhere to go tomorrow.
... I could have been wrong about 50% of the time and kept my job.
Pro baseball hitters have it even easier: fail at the plate 70% of the time and you're considered a star!
ski3pin said:
Looking out the window, watching for the "Big One" to arrive

..........................and ready to rebuild.
Hope all that burned terrain in your neck of the woods doesn't wash down into the delta. I know they did a lot of mulching, and seeding to help stabilize the worst of it.

Here in the Gold Country we picked up maybe three inches today, but no heavy wind. The Sierra ridges around Tahoe are seeing 100+ today. At least it got me motivated to clean my gutters last night by headlamp! :eek:

Storm seems to have stalled over the Bay Area. I heard they got eight inches of rain with more on the way.
Calm winds and rain all day in Woodland.

We boarded up 6 roll up doors for fear of the wind. The wind never came. :)

7:30pm thurs now and not much wind, but its DUMPING buckets of rain. Its really coming down like they forcasted.

Glad I cleaned the gutters on my house.

Im sure we will have some small local flooding, but all of the lakes and the Yolo Causeway are empty so it won't matter too much. We need the water.
Can't speak for the whole (Humboldt) county, but here in the greater Eureka/Arcata area it was pretty mild, considering what was predicted. The radio stations and local news station went on and on about the hurricane like storm that is coming ashore...but the prolong heavy rain and blazing wind never came. Predicted 5+ inches of rain...we got less than an inch. I can understand unpredictable weather in the mountains, but here on the coast there's nothing in the way of the storm...go figure. I'm I missing something here? Seems the pro's could do better than 50% right. Perhaps as (someone) said, better prepared than not? That said, there was some wind damage and flooding, but again, nothing close to what was predicted.
Pretty much like K60N. Some 20mph winds for about two hour this morning then calm. Light to moderate rain most of the day. Looking at the radar its still possible we might see some decent rain yet.
A Redding weather station recorded a 63 mph gust shortly after midnight last night and in the last 24 hours has received over 2" of rain. Another weather station at Whiskeytown Lake received over 6" of rainfall in the last 24 hours. I would say in this part of Northern California the forecasters were close. Here is the site I got my data from:
Hillsboro Oregon.

Wind started blowing about 14:00 this afternoon. Little new rain so far, although everything remains wet from rains over past days. Power went out about 16:00. Winds have died down as of 21:30.

PGE has no clue when power will return in our area. Can see many lights in valley to the south. Just started fire in wood heater. Two week old shiny heat pump just as useless as old electric furnace in same conditions. Old furnace would have had same efficiency as new one. :)

Good thing I pulled water, and Jet Boil was as near as Hawk outside. Hot tea nice. Guess I'll have to watch iPad by candlelight, eh? Appears another Doug Fir equivalent in downed branches have replaced the ones I just got cleaned up after previous wind storm.

From AP:

High winds from a powerful storm blew across Oregon on Thursday, killing two people in separate accidents, damaging Portland buildings and bringing down power lines.
Winds gusted to 90 mph in Oregon’s coastal mountains.
A 67 mph wind gust at Portland International Airport was the strongest there since Nov. 14, 1981, the National Weather Service reported.
My internet was down because of the weather, so I built a fire, and just watched the rain come down out here on the frontier! Snow on the hills, windy, cold and rainy in the valley. Power out for a tad this morning.

Just getting ready to go out and get the chainsaw fired up. We walked down the driveway to see the mess, and found spruce limbs stacked up about 6 feet on the tree side of the drive.

Edit Update: A couple of hours of three people and two chainsaws got the drive way cleared. There's still a bunch of spruce branches that the neighbor needs to haul out of the third property owners land. The fence is needing a repair as well. We came over to the beach, and it faired better over here than in the Willamette Valley. The surf at the jaws of Tillamook jetty looked like it was breaking at least 15 feet on the bar, but was over 20 yesterday. Impressive.

We did hit a torrential down pour in the coast range. It was raining just about as hard as I have seen it come down over here.
Yesterday, nice big surf, 8'-10', clear water (before the rain and the runoff makes it a muddy ocean). Haven't seen this big of surf since last Spring when we lost the ends of a few piers and some damage to a few beach side restaurants.

Today, 3" of rain at the house, most of it over two hours, midnight to 2 am. Some 2" gravel that used to be on the barn road is now on the paved driveway, just a couple of wheelbarrows full should get it back on the barn road. Creeks were cleaned last month, thus no issues there, running strong, muddy, and without debris.

We're good.
My garden rain gauge,although not official, received almost 7" since about 10 am yesterday.
It really came down hard most of the time .Tapered off late last night early morning.
No problems luckily. Just big puddles for a while.
Looks like more on the way,but not as much.
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