The Dog Rescue Thread

We use the "Otto Step". Slides right in the trailer hitch....and fits perefectly....and I mean >perfectly< just inside the back door. (like the camper was made for it)

It's a good covered with grip tape...and it makes getting the the camper very easy for everyone

My neighbor here has been involved in rescuing dogs from Chile for the last couple years. They just placed this poor one-eyed little pirate with a family in Portland:


More info on the project here:

A documentary film is in the works.
Been a month so here is a bump for anyone needing a great new pooch. See post on the last page #115. This really is a great little dog, no surprises or unknowns as I have had her a few months. She is high energy, not neurotic, can settle down but she is young, likes to run and play, will chase rabbits but comes back quickly. Otherwise she listens well, no high dominance, loyal little thing and the only reason I'll part with her is she can get a good new home and I can foster another. Down side for me is she'll be hard to top.
Happy to report that Gracie is on her way to a new home, in Oregon! I needed a vacation and going past Sacramento will get the new lift panel fixed so the doggie is taking an 1800 mile FWC ride. Should stop near Flagstaff tonight, need elevation to stay cool. Using the IPad right now, very cool :)

Here's the latest lottery winner. In a shelter in NE Utah..... on his 9th day of a 7 day stay.... so he was "past due" to meet Mr. Reaper...

I was already camping Friday when I got the call back that this guy was available. I cut that trip short.....regrouped.... and headed out sun AM for Utah. (thankfully I had no encounters with the local po-po...LOL)

Knowing that camping in the area of Vernal is a bit sparse from previous trips and knowing that we wanted nothing to do with "Dinosaur", (been there, endured that), we opted to head NW out of Vernal towards the Uintahs. Definitely some NICE rocks and cliffs....then a very nice/clean/moderately used forest above that (Ashley Natl forest)

After seeing FAR too many RV's left abandoned in good spots with no one around (jerks), we finally found a nice spot right next to the creek.

Yesterday we were up early (as always) and snagged the pup......then headed home. 550 miles overnight.....and one LUCKY dog.

some kinda fun!



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The latest candidates in the Western Colorado round up..... Jake and Buddy. Both were rescued from the Montrose/Grand junction area.

3 more to go. A pup.....a 1.5 year old, and a 2 year old. 2 of the 3 are @ the shelter. I feel another drive West coming very soon.

That'd make 6 dogs and about 1000 miles in a week.....

kinda screws up the camping cus I seem to end up in great places early AM with a couple hundred miles to drive in the opposite direction to meet someone else to take the dog onto Denver...but in the end it's the dog's well-being that is important.



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Very good! We almost had an extra Red Heeler yesterday but the owner was found, dog not fixed, no tags......

What is wrong with Dinosaur? I recall a nice stop there, plenty of petroglyphs done a dirt road.
Heya barko. how's them pups?

"Dinosaur" overall is a great place. We just didn't have enough time to get into it as it deserves and the "developed" camping around the quarry is fee based and"sterile" for the kinda camping we like to do. Too many folks who need every item they own with them/too many generators running, etc. I call it "blue glow" camping because it seems the entire place in enveloped in a blue glow at night from the DVD/movies folks watch instead of being outside.

I'm sure you know the kinda place I'm talking about. (Move along, nothing to see here...LOL)

the Colorado side of the Monument is far less crowded/visited. The place is amazingly huge once you really start looking at the map....

travel safely

Trying to keep the dog population at 3 since all will be heading to Newfoundland 9/1. They are all doing well, my anxious terrier X has put on some weight and now enjoys other dogs and is starting to warm up to other people. The border collie is neurotic about herding but very obedient and a great buddy, and the sight hound, a think a Black Mouth Cur, is starting to chill out. If we get to Eureka at the end of the month I'm sure he'll be back to digging up mice. I was an Dino off season and it was enjoyable. Does look like lots to explore in the Colorado portion!
Got a new one coming tomorrow, a Catahoula. Will have better pics. I fostered one small Catahoula before, she was great. This one is supposed to be fine with others dogs and people, hope so :LOL: I'll see how he does and you guys can help me find a permanent home. 3 years old I think I deliver!
You have a big heart, my friend. MUCH respect.

I transported about 10 Goldens last month but this month has been slow. Weird how it all works.....

still lotsa foreclosures happening with more to come from what I'm hearing.

Lotsa family pets caught square in the middle....

step up if you can, folks. There are a lot of animals out there who need your love.

You guys are awesome.

I have been glued to the computer reading all 14 pages of this. Thanks to everyone that helps with rescue!!

We help with rescue as well. We work with Pit Bulls...

There is a HUGE need for help with Pits and Pit mixes out there...

Please check them out. They are great , loving, obedient dogs.

Our female does agility and our male is a couch potato!!!

Thanks so much for all you do!
You guys are awesome.

I have been glued to the computer reading all 14 pages of this. Thanks to everyone that helps with rescue!!

We help with rescue as well. We work with Pit Bulls...

There is a HUGE need for help with Pits and Pit mixes out there...

Please check them out. They are great , loving, obedient dogs.

Our female does agility and our male is a couch potato!!!

Thanks so much for all you do!

Here in NM there are unfortunatly tons of pits, plenty of Pit chihuahua crosses if you want one of those :)
At the local dog park there are a lot of very sweet pits. never any issues. Not the dog.............. Someone want a nice Catahoula
The Catahoula cur or Louisiana Catahoula leopard dog is an American dog breed. It is named after Catahoula Parish in the state of Louisiana in the United States. Of remaining dog breeds, the Catahoula is believed to have occupied North America the longest, aside from the dogs descended from Native American-created breeds. The breed is sometimes referred to as the "Catahoula Hound" or "Catahoula Leopard Hound", as it is not a true hound, but a cur. It is also called the Catahoula hog dog, reflecting its traditional use in hunting wild boar.
OK, here is my latest foster. Being rescued by the Catahoula Rescue and has Catahoula colors and markings but seem like he has a pit head and ears?? He is going to be a good dog, his execution date was today so he seems pleased with his new world. If you know anyone in need of a pooch... So far (24 hours) he seems to get along great with everyone, people, dogs, and not much interest in our 2 cats. He is good on a leash, went to the dog park and was great with all the other pooches and people. Has a few manner issues but hey the guy has been in a cage for 6 months! Really is amazing he is doing so well. Not real excitable. Needs a name and then some training on what to do when it is called. Just a little scared from some of the newness but I bet that will be gone very quickly.
OK, here is my latest foster. Being rescued by the Catahoula Rescue and has Catahoula colors and markings but seem like he has a pit head and ears?? He is going to be a good dog, his execution date was today so he seems pleased with his new world. If you know anyone in need of a pooch... So far (24 hours) he seems to get along great with everyone, people, dogs, and not much interest in our 2 cats. He is good on a leash, went to the dog park and was great with all the other pooches and people. Has a few manner issues but hey the guy has been in a cage for 6 months! Really is amazing he is doing so well. Not real excitable. Needs a name and then some training on what to do when it is called. Just a little scared from some of the newness but I bet that will be gone very quickly.

Bump for this pup. If you know anyone looking for a new pooch here you go. He is doing well, super friendly, lots of energy, well socialized with other pups and people. Still needs to work on his commands and manners but getting better. I'm afraid people might look at him and be wary that he is a pit mix, he might be but he's got a big heart and hasn't shown any aggressive traits. Delivery possible!
Well this boy finally has a new home! We have had him a good 6 months and now he will get a home in Washington :eek: Foster group kind of screws this up but he has a good family so I will drive to Montana next month to meet and exchange. I had to drive North anyway so a few hundred miles extra. He is the Catahoula not the Border (line) Collie.
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