The Fall of Autumn, 2022

PaulT said:
Sounds like someone could just search for Margaritaville & get moving.

Not me. I love it when my camper shakes and rocks. It's like a Disney ride at a fraction of the cost!
Pollock Pines is forecast for 4-8 inches of slushy snow. I wonder why we haven't seen the annual snow machine post?
craig333 said:
Pollock Pines is forecast for 4-8 inches of slushy snow. I wonder why we haven't seen the annual snow machine post?

ski3pin said:
Not us, Julie loves to shovel snow. :)
Maybe it will come down at a rate she can't keep up with and the tractor will get to do some work. :)
Yesterday I experienced my first ever mandatory evacuation -- from a state park on a barrier island (St George) off the Florida panhandle coast. It was due to hurricane / tropical storm Nicole.

I'm camped inland and west of yesterday, near Ebro, FL. It's raining moderately hard, but not too windy. Nice to be sealed in fiberglass.

ski3pin said:
Glad the authorities were looking out for you! Safe safe and have fun riding out the storms. :)
Yeah... Actually I had already decided to move because, even pre-storm, it was too windy for fun kayaking -- too choppy. But the official "EVACUATION" did add to my trip experience!
It's raining like heck here on the Gulf coast of Mississippi!
And as is usual down here, when it's very wet it's usually warm, because it's coming off the Gulf of Mexico.
The rain is ratta-tat-tat on the roof of my camper, with an occasional boom-da-boom of thunder in the background.
Now a little more intense for a while:


It's nice that the campground I'm in has paved parking I can step outside without sinking into the mud.
A couple of hours ago I was in a supermarket -- a BIG store -- and at one point it started raining so hard that you could hear it on the roof from inside the store! :eek:
I think I can finish by the time the rain comes. Just barely warm enough in the afternoon to do it. Honestly, we need rain so bad if my project suffers I'm okay with that.

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