The Forks of the Walker River - June 2019

How timely! I was just thinking I need to spend some time exploring along the Walker River.
So glad that your wonderful TR's continue. I was camping the same area in mid-May. Lots of wind and rain and just hunkering down. I too noticed the #'d campsites along the river and couldn't help but think that things will never be better than they are now.
I love to be hunkered down in my warm dry camper as a storm rolls through--kind of like being back in the womb I guess.

Thanks for sharing AND I noticed you went with a bigger font on your blog. My 53 y/o eyes appreciate that.
Wandering Sagebrush said:
That sounds like a wonderful way for people to heal. I’m pleased to se you and The Lady getting out, same for the Teds
It was! Even getting wet. Thanks Mr. Sage!

craig333 said:
How timely! I was just thinking I need to spend some time exploring along the Walker River.
Get on out there, go!
Looks like a beautiful and peacful place. Wish we had scenery like that here in the Southeast.
Smokecreek1 said:
Glad you guys got out! Looks like a fun new area to plat in!

Thanks Smoke!

Ronin said:
So glad that your wonderful TR's continue. I was camping the same area in mid-May. Lots of wind and rain and just hunkering down. I too noticed the #'d campsites along the river and couldn't help but think that things will never be better than they are now.
Thanks Ronin! I'm going to reserve judgement on how it might turn out with the change to a Nevada State Recreation Area. As visitation grows - it is going to happen - improvements will be necessary to prevent harm to the land.
Mighty Dodge Ram said:
Thanks for the report. Seems as if Twin Lakes is always a zoo, even back in the late 70s and early 80s when on the hunt for big Browns. I need to revisit the area...soon!
Thanks for the comment! We were hoping the weather forecast would have thinned out the crowds at Twin Lakes, especially on a Sunday night. Instead, it just drove them inside their fiberglass and sheet metal shacks. :)

Vic Harder said:
Great TR. Felt like you helped me "see" the beauty in simple everyday pleasures.
You are very kind, thank you Vic!
GroovyDad said:
I love to be hunkered down in my warm dry camper as a storm rolls through--kind of like being back in the womb I guess.

Thanks for sharing AND I noticed you went with a bigger font on your blog. My 53 y/o eyes appreciate that.
We do too, GroovyDad! Seems like we sleep best with rain coming down on the roof above. Thanks for the approval of larger font. It sure is handy for me right now. :)

Casa Escarlata Robles Too said:
Thanks for the report.
Great area to sit and watch the river flow by.
Glad to see you and Ted are doing well.
Thank you Frank!
Rdy2Roam said:
Looks like a beautiful and peacful place. Wish we had scenery like that here in the Southeast.
It sure was! Every trip we celebrate that there are so many varied and wonderful places close by. Thank you for the comment.
Beautiful area. You confirmed the story about the purchase of those ranches. I had read something a year or so ago. I thought part of the plan was to stock and make the area a fly fishing meca. Nothing like sitting by the river. Take care and get yourself back to [emoji817]%. A friend of mine was confined to bed and home for months after retina re-attachment. Thanks for another great report. jd
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