The Naming: A cautionary tale


Advanced Member
Jan 2, 2014
Helena, Montana
A true story… mostly.

Two weeks into the shakedown trip I say, should we name the rig? She says, do you have something in mind? No I say. Well she says, you have been calling the truck the Beast. That is true, after 15 years with a Toyota Tacoma the truck is a beast. Okay I say, then we can call the camper Beauty. She says great, after a long day of hiking we can head back to the B&B. It is starting to have a ring to it, Beauty and the Beast. She says, but people may not know what we are referring to, they may think it is the occupants. Oh Cupcake I say, you are not that beastly…………..

The doctor says I’m healing well and the stitches can come out in a couple of days. My public service message is to never, ever use cupcake as an endearment.

Submitted from southern Colorado,

The Beast
Cute!!! I survived our shakedown and naming ceremony without injury, but learned years ago to be careful with terms of endearment. Who knew The Bride could be vindictive...
Smokecreek1 said:
You are supposed to name your pop-up? :oops: Just kidding, good story :p !

Smoke, you mean to say your PU doesn't have a name? That's just not right! Shall we start a contest/poll to get a good name for your rig?
Smokecreek1 said:
You are supposed to name your pop-up? :oops:


Wandering Sagebrush said:
Smoke, you mean to say your PU doesn't have a name? That's just not right! Shall we start a contest/poll to get a good name for your rig?
Mine is anonymous.
Okay, When I need her to do her job-like climbing that grade into the Hart Mtn NWF, or when I pass people in the up hill passing lane I say "go girl", does that count? She's an old truck and you have to talk nice to her so she feels wanted. When I call it out, it also inspires my co-driver "dog in Chief" to stare down the other car-and that always helps to increase the speed. But she really likes her new specially made rear springs and now goes like a new truck down the freeway with minimal urging. Craig how do you come up with that name?

Smokecreek1 said:
Okay, When I need her to do her job-like climbing that grade into the Hart Mtn NWF, or when I pass people in the up hill passing lane I say "go girl", does that count? She's an old truck and you have to talk nice to her so she feels wanted. When I call it out, it also inspires my co-driver "dog in Chief" to stare down the other car-and that always helps to increase the speed. But she really likes her new specially made rear springs and now goes like a new truck down the freeway with minimal urging. Craig how do you come up with that name?

Smoke, that works just fine!!!

Speaking of Hart Mtn, I am thinking of heading that way next week, barring any unforeseen events. Will probably do the Painted Hills, my secret birding spot, Malheur, and Virgin Valley as well. Heck, it might even stop raining.
Smoke, when i got my Jeep it was in pieces. The previous owners had painted Fifi on either side. Being a manly man I immediately attempted to sand it off and finally just stuck Cal4wheel stickers over it. No sissy name for my Jeep. Well, one day I was climbing a steep hill out of a sandy creek bottom and she was struggling to get up (see where this is going? I hadn't even referred to it by any name yet masculine or feminine) and I found myself saying "coming on fifi, you can make it". Well she made it up the hill and I haven't tried to rename her since.
That's good of as any reason; I once named my old VW "ORC" after the Dark Lords soldiers in the "hobbit books" and my 1980 long bed Toyota 4x4 was called "Thurtmose III" sort of after the Egyptian warrior Pharaoh, so I can't complain, can I ?

My kids wrote the word "despacio" in the dust on the rear window of my 86 Isuzu Trooper - translated it means "slowly"! So named until the day it sold!
Smokecreek1 said:
Okay, When I need her to do her job-like climbing that grade into the Hart Mtn NWF, or when I pass people in the up hill passing lane I say "go girl", does that count? She's an old truck and you have to talk nice to her so she feels wanted. When I call it out, it also inspires my co-driver "dog in Chief" to stare down the other car-and that always helps to increase the speed. But she really likes her new specially made rear springs and now goes like a new truck down the freeway with minimal urging. Craig how do you come up with that name?

Just make sure when you say Go Girl, she doesn't go without you.
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