This Has Me Thinking About Getting A Dog!

That's good. It reminded me of one of my favorite comics.


"Oh Tippy, Tippy, Tippy! If only you didn't cook with water from the toilet".
How cool. We love our dogs: chocolate Standard Poodle/German Shorthair cross and black Standard Poodle. They are each others best friend and ours, too. Craigslist finds. The poodle cross we take camping (and, he hogs his side down the middle and shares the back seat with the camera gear) and the poodle remains home with our daughter. I just wish there was enough room for both to join us. Dogs are fun and loyal and sometimes I like them better than people.

GO FOR IT !!!!!

get a rescue and give it the lifestyle fit for a king/queen....


Don't think. Do it. Of all the crap and tangible items you'll own in a lifetime nothing compares to the joy and friendship a good dog can provide. This old guy is pushing 16 and I'd give up everything I own if I could have another 16 years with him.

I'm exhausted just thinking about all the time and effort it took to train the dog! But then, one of my dogs tries to swallow anything I touch :unsure:

My cats could make a video about all the helpful tricks they've trained their human to perform.
As I've mentioned, the Lady and I had a dog when we were first married. Echo was trained to the level Jesse, in the video, is but more toward outdoor skills. Her response to hand and voice commands was right on. This is why this video appealed to me and brought back so many memories. It does take much time and effort, but a good dog and companion deserves that kind of effort. It is incredible how a dog, when it is loved, will work so hard to please.
There are dog people and cat people, and no pet people :D . Except for that army and school part of my life I've always had a dog, and as most of you can tell from my posts, dogs are always part of my "Wander the West Adventures". One of the first things I did when I got a real life full time life job, was to get a dog. In the good old bad days in the BLM almost all field people had a dog (it was a local mgt decision on whether dogs were allowed or not)-a well trained one for sure-no chasing cows or sheep unless told to). We could not have a gun, so a dog was part of our working gear! That aside, dogs are neat, they care and they will always listen to you when you have a problem-and they will always be your friend-no matter what :love: . One of the final deciding factors in my early retirement was when a political hack up the Washington Interior Office suddenly made a decision that "no dogs would be allowed!" He made this decision (again a usual local decision) because he could-no one asked him too-he just did it-power. Some more of that " my way or the highway mentality" that led to allot of early outs (not just about dogs but an indicator of how some political folks do things) a few years ago! Who'd a thunk dogs were a way to show who is the boss :ninja: and whit those govenrment types into line!

There are no bad dogs, just bad masters! For example, during my latest run to the coast, we had a male pit bull that kept running thru the campground-when I complained about it-they said it belonged to a rancher up the road and it was sort of flighty-not aggressive-just not real friendly. No collar and once it discovered "Bob" it liked to come over and sit by the back of the camper. Now I know the master makes the dog,and pit bulls can be real nice, but I did not let Bob out when he was about and limited my walks on the beach because you never knew when he would show up. On a positive note, I saw on TV that the big dog show in New York is now letting mixed breeds compete and they showed this rescue mutt that would compete with the big boys-don't know if he won or not, but that's one for the common man or dog!

Gee, Bob was expecting snow and we got rain :unsure: , it must be hell to be a dog when you want to run in the white stuff with your boss/buddy, and it rains, sooo we wait and are very glad we have a dog/master to talk too! Yep, at least there is is Bill Marr to watch tonight! :D Have a roast on, so a nice meal- forget the the weather! Yep, had a long talk with Bob and he took responsibility for the lack of snow so, now I can watch some tv, read my new book, and yell at him-no he's guilty as charged but still he'll get some roast ! It's great to have a dog!

Well I can tell mines a lab. Just got home (late) and he's whooped from playing in the rain all day.
We are on our 3rd golden retriever. After the 2nd died, I said never again- too much trouble and responsibility. Took 5 years and one trip to the humane society and we had the 3rd- Rocky. He is as eccentric as they come and drops dog hair everywhere he goes, especially in the house (one of the reasons I had said never again). At 9 years young, he is well-trained which was not true when we brought him home at 9 months of age. He is a great companion and sometimes a pain in the neck and I will miss him when he goes just like the others.
I held out for three years. Who doesn't love that part where you're camping and its raining and the dog "needs" to go out. Nothing like bringing a wet dog back into the camper. Getting bit by Dirty Dogs dog (he deserved it). All the times I lost my dog (he was never lost, seriously, every time I "found" him he was on the way back (to the camp, the truck or wherever). The vet bills when he tears his acl (I always thought that was human thing). Yet somehow I'm more than ready to do it all over again :)
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