This old Granby build

I've been working on it a lot and had it popped up now for about a week an a half and no problems with the lift bars,I did put a pin through them and I also put 30lb struts,which really helps,I'll post some pictures in the next couple days.i've been real busy with the interior.I also put the alum. chanel for a awning on the back but I haven't made the awning yet..It seems like everything i'm doing ,I'm doing 3 times.... I decided after I put the roof back together to put the awning rail so I had to take some roof trim screws back out line them back up again and do it again I missed measured for the front stuts, had to do that again only now I got a couple EXTRA holes to patch,this whole build seems to be going like that..My patients and $$ are getting thin, and I'm making stupid mistakes.
Here's where I'm at now.I started the cabinets,I had a old piece of finished table I thought i'd do the front with but when I tried to match a section,well it didn't match so I painted the whole front white and trimmed it in alum. There again in hindsight i wish i would've just used the same 1/4" plywood to face it with,it would"ve matched better.

I'm basically going black and white on the inside..
The struts help out great!! I have the front and back at different measurements and theres a reason for that.I have the back top spread out farther to make room for the channel for the awning but the front closer at the top because the way the roof sits,with nothing real level or square the left corner of the roof sits a little farther out and I thought that may put a bind on the struts when closed but I still have some extra holes to patch anyways...
I also finished the 12 v power,I'm only having 2 L E D lights inside an amber door light and 2 small spot lights out back and I'm putting the battery in that little space under the drawer section by the door,I'm not doing(at this point) any kind of charging system,I'll just use a battery charger when needed..I'm also keeping the layout the same.I had thought about changing it up a little but for the kind of camping I do,it always worked out fine… I hope to have it on the truck this weekend,It won't be completely done but should be ready for hunting season….
Yep OSU that's it, I think when this is all said and done,I'm going to put "sleeves" through the conduit but for now it's just 5/16 bolts.I wasn't sure how it was going to work out so I did the easiest and simplest thing I could do and I'm pretty happy with it.It's kind of amazing to me how much stress is spread out all along the old lift panels and I didn't realize that until I saw how the back of the camper was cracked now I think all the stress is just on the two L shaped brackets..I'm sure there's lots of guys with way more skills than I have that can take the conduit idea and really clean it up,maybe rigid conduit and make some "professional" type brackets with sleeves..The other thing that I'm going to change is the top-roof attachments,I'm just using the little straps that you would normally use if you were doing conduit work at home,those are thin and week,I need to get heavy duty ones..I haven't really started looking to see whats out there yet...
would you mind posting the measurements and exact part numbers for the lift struts? I know theres a bunch of info already, but is spread all over and confusing. I have the same shell and Would like to match what you did...Looks great by the way!
Sure,I just went to Ebay and bought 4 -36" 30lb lift struts and 8 offset brackets,really didn't have a part number but the vendor was "strut your stuff here" and it was all under $100
This weekend I got the interior done with hopes of getting it on the truck.I did change it up a little
I decided to take the back of the couch out and put a little table in,use the fold down legs from the back of the couch on the table to make the extra bed if needed..
wvtradbow said:
This weekend I got the interior done with hopes of getting it on the truck.I did change it up a little
I decided to take the back of the couch out and put a little table in,use the fold down legs from the back of the couch on the table to make the extra bed if needed..
Great job. jd
Hopefully the last BIG job to do before it goes on the truck. The door was in pretty bad shape,a couple holes and cracks in the fiberglass skin.I thought I'd just take the trim off,peel the skin off,replace it with a piece of 1/16" plastic i had and that would be that..LOL.. First the inside of the door weighed about 10lbs and was moisture soaked along with a rotted frame.

Then the piece of plastic sheeting I had was about 2" too narrow,So to save a little $$ I had some fiberglass epoxy and cloth,I sanded the inside of the skin and patched it.
The patch job went well even though I couldn't match the "egg crate" finish on the face,it won't leak again.The time was spent on redoing the frame and insulation.That took a lot of work just because it all needed to be 1 3/8" thick so the frame had to be ripped out of a 2x4 and the foam panel doesn't come in that size either and had to put a couple pieces together.

Complete with a tinted window,I'm not sure I really like the color I painted it (same color as the stripes)BUT I'm officially out of patients and $$. So it will do
The only thing left to do is figure out what to do with the battery,but that'll be done on the truck.
wvtradbow said:
Sure,I just went to Ebay and bought 4 -36" 30lb lift struts and 8 offset brackets,really didn't have a part number but the vendor was "strut your stuff here" and it was all under $100
IT'S ON,IT'S ON !! What a job I forgot how hard it was to install one of these using only 3 jack,but I made it…Still have some work to do,I need to make curtains,do something with the battery and finish the side and rear awning.

That side awning is supposed to be 8ft but it sure looks to be a couple inches longer.I still have to get the little brackets on yet.

How are those homemade popup devices you made from the conduit working? Any regrets or obvious issues?

I have an old Keystone that needs work which I have tried to sell on Craigslist twice with no luck so I figure I will fix it up a little and then try and sell again - wife wants me to take to the dump but I cannot bring myself to do that.

The biggest issues are the lift panels, the deteriorated canvas and the over cab bed floor (the floor looks pretty straightforward to replace and I already have a sheet of 3/4" marine plywood I will use).

Heck since I have a 1993 Dodge W250 and this old 1984 Keystone is larger inside than my 2009 Keystone. I just might keep this one after it is fixed up - depending on how much fixing up I do. ;-)


Craig,I have no regrets with the conduit and the addition of the lift struts helped a lot.Probably if my camper was in better shape and the frame wasn't broke in the back I'd more than likely stayed with the original set up because I did make a new pair of panels but just wouldn't fold correctly.My only complaint about what i did was that they don't (snap) in place like the original and I have to use a pin to keep them in place,not a big issue in the back by the door but up front I have to crawl on the bunk to reach it. It was a lot of fun building this and the truck and I still have some big ideas and not finished yet on either. My problem was a limited amount of space and living on a hill side didn't help, but it seemed like it consumed every free minute for over a year and i was so happy to get it on the truck.Now it just won't fit in my garage so everything from now on will be done outside..I was in your same position,my wife said"what a ya want that piece of junk back for"? Then I found this form and it's all history...My one piece of advice if you start this ordeal is make sure it is sitting level when you start!!!
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