usable storage space,works for me
eagle camper on 2002 tacoma.what i use turnbuckle areas for. first extra t.p. goes into ziplocs ,tow chain in bag then ziplocs.quarts of oil in ziplocs,pocket books into ziplocs,spare fan belts,small propane bottles ,you get the picture what ever fits. also on each panel that lifts up i keep a list of what is in that compartment,also a master list so when i forget which compartment item is in it reminds me ,also as i use items on list i make a note to replace before next trip,and no i have never had a oil container bust open!on a tacoma with eagle there is only approx 1 inch on each side at the tailgate area, which i put a piece of painted plywood screwed to side of camper,no complaints on storage space as i started with shell knowing that a complete camper has much wasted space,thats why i have a fwc basic and does the job! drive slow and enjoy "its the journey"