
Tomas Tierra

May 3, 2007
Hollywood Beach, Alta California
As I am catching up on "the site" after 5 days at sea, I became aware of something I was not aware of, or had not paid attention to before..Mark and Edna are going through a tough time..I know they are not the only ones, but it has been quite some time.

I thought I would start a thread that we could post pics to that would make someone who is not feeling well, maybe feel better...I hope it works, if only for a moment..

The Prayers of the Land Family are with you Edna(and you to FishJon).



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Am I alone in thinking "How the H*ll am I gonna compete with those pics?"

too cute....just too cute. (and they're yours!) :D

the mtn's
Dear Thomas & Family, Mike & MtnHigh-

I didn't just smile. I leaked! Thank you so much. Usually I let Mark handle the adventures unless there is great pics. I'm following those. I loved your kiddos and your try too MtnHigh. It was warmly received.

Keep em coming! Maybe one day, I'll post mine.

BTW, another way to make me smile is to serve me one of those wonderful looking lobsters!

Blessings to you all,

Edna Ingalls (Mark's beloved)
I've got nothing when it comes to photos like these. But I can't help but think - FWC rally to Houston??? Mark, how many vehicles can we fit in your front yard waving to Edna and cooking her lobsters?
How far is Houston??

I'll bring the bugs..

Any pics of kids smiling, or flowers, or sunsets, or I guess lobsters..don't think you have to compete...just post up something for Edna to check out:thumb:



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Spring Beauty

As a relative newcomer, I am overwhelmed by the kindness shown to others, and the helpfulness. So I couldn't read this thread and not respond. In Canada we have the Victoria day weekend, (last week) went camping, and on a short hike took this closeup. So to brighten the day of Edna and others, enjoy a spring flower from the Canadian Rockies!
God Bless


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Don't have any pics handy but will do some looking around, in the mean time let's wish all the best to Edna and Mark in this trying time. Good vibes are always needed in the world.
Smiles and more smiles!

Dear friends-

I am truly humbled by your best wishes. I just left church, our home. It was wonderful and very uplifting to know we have such a great family in Christ. NOW, I'm overwhelmed with the beauty brought to both Mark and I by the pretty smiles, cute faces, wonderful dishes and best wishes. I'm truly being blessed by your love from miles away!


BTW, if we can't fit all the trucks here, we can just go up north a little and fit them all as we camp. Also, nuestra casa es su casa!

With a humbled heart,

What little I can do.

I don't have beautiful children of whom I can take pictures, so these will have to do. God Bless Edna and Mark, you have done some wonderful things.


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Dear Ed-

Would you believe it if I told you that hummingbirds are my favorite bird. It is my sister's too! Thank you.

How in the world did you get your pictures to be so clear. I've never been able to do that. Those birdies just zoom so quickly.

Thank you,


Hi Edna, Here's a few more hummingbirds...maybe they can bring a smile today.



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Dear Ed-

Would you believe it if I told you that hummingbirds are my favorite bird. It is my sister's too! Thank you.

How in the world did you get your pictures to be so clear. I've never been able to do that. Those birdies just zoom so quickly.

Thank you,


You're more than welcome.

I used a film camera mounted on a tripod with a cable operating the shutter release. Get it all setup, then wait with your finger on the cable for the humming birds to enjoy a drink.

The nectar in the feeder outside my back door (the one in the pictures) ran out Sunday and I didn't notice. One of the hummers stopped by, then quickly flew in and out of the back door as if to say "Hello, would you refill this please." I laughed, apologized, and refilled it. I have actually had them land on the feeder while it's still in my hand. That's pretty neat.

Bob, those are some amazing pictures.
Thanks Ed,
Shot all those in Costa Rica in March of this year..Nikon D-300 and Nikon
80-400mm VR Zoom...hand held...Thank goodness for VR lenses.
Edna, thank you for your smiles. Your spirit is an inspiration for me. My thoughts and prayers are with you always.


Wow, Mike. Thank you! I try to harvest joy through all this suffering. You all have done the work, I'm just enjoying it! en-joy.
Thanks for your thoughts and prayers, I truly do feel them.

Blessings to you and yours.

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