

Bob & Ed-

You have talent. Those birds are so clear. The colors are magnificent! Thanks so much.
Thanks, Marc--

Look at her go!

Woo! Hoo!


We made it!

We're Very Lucky We Can Do This

I lost my mother to cancer when I was 7yrs. old she was 28, the treatments available at the time were not very good, my father contracted throat cancer at age 61, he never smoked, for him the treatments were way more advanced, he lived to 81, I miss them both, for us, all of us who have this disease we have a good chance to live longer lives, hang in Edna, I for one will to what I have to do to hang around a little longer and piss more people off, and I'm sure you will too, I mean you will be around to watch me piss people off, when they stab me, I think of you Edna, I know this is no fun, but I gladly take what laughs I can get out ot it, I'll be thinking of you a lot for the next few weeks.
Thanks, Marc--
We made it!


Congratulations! Thanks for sharing pictures of Edna enjoying life. I like the above picture the most.
Let's pray for Fisherman.

I pray that Fisherman (Jon) will recover and be able to post pictures similar to Mark and Edna's.
Nice Place to Camp


Good yall can get out and enjoy the richness of life.

Your camping destination looks strangely familiar. Would that be Guadalupe River State Park, by chance? My wife and I spent a couple of nights there just before the Memorial Day crowd rolled in.

She had never been there. Back in the early '70's, before this area was bought by the state, I canoed through on three different occasions. One trip was a long grueling three-dayer. My buddy and I had never been in a canoe and we went down rapids frontwards, backwards, and every other way; but, managed to never sink.

Your give-away picture, if I am correct, for your location is the cliff behind the handsome young man. The first time that I canoed through that spot, the water was about two or three feet deep and the bottom was covered with two foot long catfish. Above us that long cliff was lined with buzzards. A menacing picture, I know, but the remainder of the ride was fine.

We got out of the river at the 281 bridge that afternoon, vowing to never pick up a paddle again. We were whupped! I did it two more time, though, just to be sure.

My wife and I took kayaks this time, but the river was too low for much travel. My wife wants to go back when things cool off. I want to do the kayak shuttle thing and do a little more river when it comes back up.

Maybe we'll run into yall out there.

Guadalupe River State Park

Dear Buzz-

I'm in a hospitable mood. Bring your clan down so we can do some Texas Stomping. Every day is a better day. Mark's smile and Bobby Nini's chatter is like medicine to me.

What a great time to be alive!

Hi Edna :)

Hope all is going well. My thoughts and prayers are with you and yours. Stay strong.


Thanks for the well wishes Marc. It's like medicine to my body. Be blessed and prosper.

I lost my mother to cancer when I was 7yrs. old she was 28, the treatments available at the time were not very good, my father contracted throat cancer at age 61, he never smoked, for him the treatments were way more advanced, he lived to 81, I miss them both, for us, all of us who have this disease we have a good chance to live longer lives, hang in Edna, I for one will to what I have to do to hang around a little longer and piss more people off, and I'm sure you will too, I mean you will be around to watch me piss people off, when they stab me, I think of you Edna, I know this is no fun, but I gladly take what laughs I can get out ot it, I'll be thinking of you a lot for the next few weeks.

Thank God for knowledge! I understand. My grandfather died from lymphoma back in the days when there was not much to do. It robbed me from a relationship I would have loved to experience.

I'm hanging in there. Sometimes, I just coast, letting God handle it becuase I sure can't. My surrender is intentional; knowing it is in better hands with my Father. It's been a blessing watching the ride from the outside in.

Hehehehe, I am sure I piss a bundle of people too. I'm good at that. Just ask Mark! I'm humbled you think of me when you get stabbed. I know I hated it. I cried. Those times were years back. I'm on a clinical trial now and I drink it every 12 hours. It's no margarita but it's kept the tumor from getting any bigger. I must be thankful for that AND it beats the needles (especially when I had to get stabbed several times to find a vein).

Jon, I'll be thinking of you and praying for you.

Be blessed my friend,

You Are Very Gracious


I forgot to add the picture from our Guadalupe outing. It's amazing how that airplane gets around.

The yellow camper is my wife's. It has all the amenities that a woman of leisure would require. I have to say that there have been a couple of times that I did not mind the a/c, myself.

The white camper (ATC) is mine. Last summer my wife let me take off to AK. That was my second trip up; my daughter and I did the trip in 2000 in a Chevy S-10 with a cab-high camper shell. Both were good trips; the first will always be the memorable one, though.

But, I digress. The ATC was perfect for me. I bought the shell model, crammed it full of everything under the sun, including an extra spare. I removed the back seat and installed a homemade shelving system that would allow me to lock in my computers and camera gear. The Zodi shower was a great addition, too.

I survived on cold beans and Wild Turkey, when I could afford it. The most I paid for diesel was $7 in Chicken. After three months, I started to miss my lovely wife and headed south. I made one more stop in Watson Lake, YK, to say goodbye to Robbie; he's a nice guy with some good stories. After seeing recent posts of other's adventures to the snowy north, I'm ready to do it again.



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Time for a picture for edna....

This is our little oasis. We carved it out of the back burm about 4 years ago and have enjoyed it (seasonally) ever since. It definitely causes us to use the back deck quite often these days :thumb:. A few summers ago we actually set the tent up and slept most nights on the deck...lulled to sleep by the hypnotic powers of the falls.

We've yet to have much warm weather this year so @ this point the flowers/etc. are a bit behind. We're also enclosed in a canopy of shade and have a hard time growing a lot of plants you'd find in sunny/warmer locales. Hostas, pansies, ferns, cosmos,columbines/etc thrive here but many others are short-lived.

And as you can keeps the dogs entertained via the ever-floating "Bob For Tennis Ball" game.... ay-yi-yi-yi-yi. Fortunately they know to leave the (11) goldfish alone....LOL.

one of these days "Summer" will arrive and I'll take a shot of the garden in full bloom....

think those good thoughts edna and jon.

Your mind is the most powerful medicine on the planet...

all the best

Pat & Becky...aka..the mtn-highs


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I can't think of anything better than dogs and children.

A few pictures of my friend's children and our dogs (their eldest dog is the mother of 2 of my dogs).


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Greetings fellow members-

It's been awhile and I'm like so ready to smile, chuckle and even feel awed with your new pictures. I for one had to go back to see all those wonderful pictures you all have taken for me. I laughed, was amazed at how God just loves us so much to let us enjoy his beauty. I even got hungry all over again; thank you so much for posting them. We have had several visits to the hospital and for a while there I was out for "40 days" (Yippi!). I'm still doing good except for the stomach virus that sent us to the ER overnight for IV fluids; over all GOD is so good. I'm enjoying life according to GOD and trying my best to live there. We all know that can be tough but, I'm trusting!

Hoping we can all make plans to meet up some time soon; hospital must be close though.

Edna/Mark's side kick and beloved
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