TIme to hit the road


Captain Leisure
Site Team
Nov 10, 2005
Eugene, Oregon
I'm going stir-crazy up here and I really need some road time. Thinking about hitting Mojave Preserve and Joshua Tree in the next couple weeks. Anyone going to be in that neck of the woods?
Cool Marc I'll keep you updated. Is Joshau Tree reasonably dog-friendly?

dogs are allowed but typical N. park rules. Must be on leash, no dogs on trails etc etc. That being said, Dylan has always enjoyed himself.
<br />I'm going stir-crazy up here and I really need some road time. Thinking about hitting Mojave Preserve and Joshua Tree in the next couple weeks. Anyone going to be in that neck of the woods?<br />
<br /><br /><br />

Come hell or high water, I am rolling the camper out of the garage this weekend. However, I will have to be traveling relatively close to home. Maybe south to the San Juan River or just far enough south to see dry dirt and mountain bike tire tracks. At that point I will know I've gone far enough. As stated in previous posts last week, the cabin fever is at a very tight breaking point. I need to run the dog and get a good long hike in very soon!

By the way DD, I am still having that issue once again with the strange characters and no emoticons available.....it's always something!

Good Camping!

Keep me posted DD, I can always escape for a long weekend.
Gunner and Dylan are due to wrastle a little anyway
Diego as always will just chill and ref.
Keep me posted DD, I can always escape for a long weekend.
Gunner and Dylan are due to wrastle a little anyway
Diego as always will just chill and ref.

Dylan and Diego have been known to throw down a bit as well. We'll have a pretty good brawl pit setup at camp for their enjoyment. I'll keep you updated - sounds fun!
By the way DD, I am still having that issue once again with the strange characters and no emoticons available.....it's always something!

Sorry I'm at a loss on this one. Have you tried Firefox?
I'm going stir-crazy up here and I really need some road time.

This from the guy that just got back from Kauai?! :p
This from the guy that just got back from Kauai?! :p

Don't forget that I toughed that out for the sake of the GF :)
<br />&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;<br /><br />Come hell or high water, I am rolling the camper out of the garage this weekend. However, I will have to be traveling relatively close to home. Maybe south to the San Juan River or just far enough south to see dry dirt and mountain bike tire tracks. At that point I will know I've gone far enough. As stated in previous posts last week, the cabin fever is at a very tight breaking point. I need to run the dog and get a good long hike in very soon! <br /><br />By the way DD, I am still having that issue once again with the strange characters and no emoticons available.....it's always something!<br /><br />Good Camping!<br /><br />Paul<br />
<br /><br /><br />

OK, so I overreacted. We are forecast to receive over two feet of snow by Sunday night this weekend. So, I guess I WILL NOT be rolling the camper out of the garage to satisfy my cabin fever. The skiing will be great this weekend, so I guess I will enjoy the white stuff until this passes.....and then get the camper out for a quick getaway.
This from the guy that just got back from Kauai?!

Ahhh.... I remember being a DINK. (OK...kinda) Sure would be nice to be so footloose and fancy free again. One of these days....one of these days....(do kids really leave home?)

Hang in there, Phird! Those warmer days are comin'....about June! I'm itchin' to get out myself.

gotta hope for that 2 ft tho. Otherwise we're gonna be roastin some BIG marshmallows this summer...

be well, all

The challenge is to keep it that way, DD. LOL.

so far, so good.....snicker..snicker....but I fear time is runnin' out for ya.

I'm 51 now....but I remember well when the destination of our trips changed from Kauai to Chucky Cheese!

be safe!

<br />The challenge is to keep it that way, DD. LOL. <br /><br />so far, so good.....snicker..snicker....but I fear time is runnin' out for ya.<br /><br />I'm 51 now....but I remember well when the destination of our trips changed from Kauai to Chucky Cheese!<br /><br />be safe!<br /><br />mtn<br /><br /><br />
<br /><br /><br />

Chucky Cheese! That's great Mtn-High.

My daughter turned fourteen just yesterday, but I remember a long time ago when she "would die" if she didn't get to try Chucky Cheese. Well, being a mountain gal, upon entering Chucky Cheese, she became so overwhelmed with the number of, and kind people who enjoy a place like that, she pulled me out the door by the arm and said she never wanted to go to a place like that again. She compared it to inviting a clown to a birthday party...."very scary".

I know the snow melts, but am getting the itch. I can't wait!

Alright you guys I'm going to head out mid week next week. If you guys can get out to Joshua Tree the weekend of the 6 and 7th let me know. Do you think we will need CG reservations there?
I'll actually be passing by on the way to LA. I'm taking my mom back home after a visit but at 92 she's not much of a camper.
I'll actually be passing by on the way to LA. I'm taking my mom back home after a visit but at 92 she's not much of a camper.

After a couple brews around the campfire, I'm sure she'll have a good time :)
Alright you guys I'm going to head out mid week next week. If you guys can get out to Joshua Tree the weekend of the 6 and 7th let me know. Do you think we will need CG reservations there?

Absolutely, 100%. I'll be surprised if you can even get one for the weekend now... Might want to have a Plan B in mind, just in case.

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