Toilet System for Shell

I have used a Thetford since we bought our VW Van in 1986. My wife insisted on it. I recommend the 5 gal model so you don't have to empty as often. Cat holes are an antiquated idea which fails to take into account that nobody wants to camp in a place that is full of other peoples poop. They are only valid if camping way away from where others will camp. River trip campsites used to have TP behind every bush before the USFS & BLM started requiring people to carry out their own waste in rocket box systems. There was a time when plastic bags were acceptable but communities didn't like dealing with plastic bags full of waste at their landfills. It properly should be treated in a sewage plant if possible.

Our new camper has the Thetford Cassette toilet which is more convient than the portable toilet that needs to be strapped down but works the same, the holding tank is just accessable from outside the camper. If camped long term I drive to a out of the way place and dig a hole to empty it if there is no trailer dump or toilet available.
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