Totaled F150 / Ocelot unharmed....?


Senior Member
May 2, 2016
Bend, Oregon
Hello all,
Long time no post for me, my injuries were insignificant though are nagging, whew !!

Way back, Sept 11 2017, I was sitting at a stoplight wishing for a cup of coffee and was rear ended by a 2001 Jeep wrangler/winch and Bully bumper. distracted teen, who was in tears though she was not visibly injured. no airbags deployed .perhaps a result of her winch/bumper install ? She says 25 mph, but probably 35 ish, this was the flow as I had observed moments before impact, zero skid evidence. lots of bits and dry mud in the street.
The impact opened the sun roof and knocked things around and dazed me for a minute or so. She was insured and her dad came down (his Jeep) from a nearby home with info, police report given etc. truck sustained 36,000 $ in damage. Bent frame ,all 3 sections/rattling transmission/dog legged ride down the road,buckled sheet metal etc.. ...

The Ocelot appears undamaged and I have funds from insurance for a pick up and delivery to ATC for assessment and reinstallation. The whole process just plain sucked though, no winners, but happy survivors. Very interesting damage assessment, by me anyway, as the Ocelot's weight kept the truck bed from buckling and folding upward,directing the impact forward as it was dead center on the newly installed trailer hitch step. (it survived with only scratches :)..


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Hi Rockcod
So sorry to hear, that sucks. Glad you are not injured, so what did you do for your truck! Is the photo of your truck repaired?

Hey Russ,
No new truck yet, the picture is on its way to the dismantler, amazing how good it looks and how gone it was.
The liable party wouldn't fix it and my insurance wanted to weld salvage yard parts back on, I was better off without it

I am ready to find something and am prepared to order anything that would fit and be an upgrade. The 2017 Ocelot limits my choices. Fortunately I am a big fan of the F150 and hope to sort it very soon. Ford sells a Heavy Payload truck, just pretty much an order only and limited options, as I'm a big fan of a Super Cab truck, heavy payload is crew cab only. or 8 foot bed, that wont work.

Did you have a good year in your ATC ? I sure have missed my time...
Hay RC
Although it sounds like it's gunna be tuff for you to find anything other than Ford, good you like them. :)
Crazy someone would think it's ok to damage someone's property, then throw salvage yard parts at it. If a special order f150 will work or could you find an f250 on the lot which will work?

We had a great time when we're out in the camper, but would have liked more time to camp. Probably everyone's complaint. Our first trip last wear was to Quartzsite, and we just got back from 6 nights there. My wife is into the gem and mineral show there.

takesiteasy said:
x2! Crazy story about the damage. Hard to imagine how the camper escaped unscathed.
Yeah,that is what Marty @ ATC was saying, they will perform an inspection and re-install. Most of the impact seems to have went straight up the drive train ,transmission and engine frame mount. I have went over it without any disassembly, systems are functioning as built...
However your O is mounted to the truck bed is where to look first...basically being rear-ended, the Jeep tried to push your truck out from under the camper so that is where I would check for damage to begin with. After that, as you and Marty noted, a systems check and a really GOOD amount of time outside under some rain to detect cracked or split joints allowing H2O to get past the sealing system on the camper is the problem. If everything inside is OK and the mounts are OK, until you let the camper sit out in a three-day rainstorm to see if it finds a way won't know if its watertight integrity has been compromised.

Glad to hear you are OK but that whiplash and snap-back of your neck when getting rear-ended is a bummer....don't sign off on medical issues for awhile....when an F-150 hit me at about 35-40 when traffic was dead stopped on I-80 in Vallejo due to an accident up ahead in a rainstorm, I was OK so I thought but have had "positional vertigo" ever since....and that was in 1998!
CougarCouple said:
Hay RC
Although it sounds like it's gunna be tuff for you to find anything other than Ford, good you like them. :)
Crazy someone would think it's ok to damage someone's property, then throw salvage yard parts at it. If a special order f150 will work or could you find an f250 on the lot which will work?

We had a great time when we're out in the camper, but would have liked more time to camp. Probably everyone's complaint. Our first trip last wear was to Quartzsite, and we just got back from 6 nights there. My wife is into the gem and mineral show there.

The F250 bed/box is 3 inches longer and 6 inches wider,I believe. I will need to deal with yet another shortened bed walls by ford as they knocked an inch off of the height of them, an aesthetic adjustment. for me . ATC did say they would fit it to the new ford bed, probably a silly move on my part...
ski3pin said:
So pleased no one was seriously hurt!
So right there, hard to believe she didn't see an 87 inch wide x +72 inch tall, white & stationery
billboard. ,with my foot firmly on the brakes, They never contested liability, tough to do with a rear end collision. I have decided since that a good move might be , if safe and clearheaded, to take a screenshot of the phone time immediately . A side impact could potentially get confusing, establishing a cell phone distraction timeframe may help.. my battle with insurance companies is not worth re living, replacement cost coverage was, in my case, an evil joke..I was anything but in good hands..
PackRat said:
However your O is mounted to the truck bed is where to look first...basically being rear-ended, the Jeep tried to push your truck out from under the camper so that is where I would check for damage to begin with. After that, as you and Marty noted, a systems check and a really GOOD amount of time outside under some rain to detect cracked or split joints allowing H2O to get past the sealing system on the camper is the problem. If everything inside is OK and the mounts are OK, until you let the camper sit out in a three-day rainstorm to see if it finds a way won't know if its watertight integrity has been compromised.

Glad to hear you are OK but that whiplash and snap-back of your neck when getting rear-ended is a bummer....don't sign off on medical issues for awhile....when an F-150 hit me at about 35-40 when traffic was dead stopped on I-80 in Vallejo due to an accident up ahead in a rainstorm, I was OK so I thought but have had "positional vertigo" ever since....and that was in 1998!
Thank you for the insight. I did leave it outside for a couple of our earlier rain events, then it went on a dolly and into the garage. If that was enough water, I bet Marty and the boys can find a problem. I seriously hope if there is a leak, it is traceable. There is no inspection fee, so no $ were set aside. These guys are so ahead of the customer service curve its unreal. Plus I had no choice but to accept the settlement from the INS company. Stress of continuing was unhealthy ..No winners in a traffic accident, regardless of fault..
The rush to settle any accident is to prevent you from coming up with additional losses. As in my case they did pay for two weeks of lost wages since my back was messed up and my neck was stiff but nothing for "pain and suffering" and had I knew I was going to have that positional vertigo issue develop some more weeks after I settled....well, suffice to say I would have saved a bunch of co-pays to find out what was the problem with dizziness, nausea, sparklers and floaters in my vision.

If you haven't yet agreed to a settlement, remember their job is to harass you to do that ASAP, your job is to really find out the extent of damage to the truck (or if it is totaled) and the damage to the camper and, most importantly, the damage to YOU.

I would call them and tell them you are experiencing some medical issues and are not quite ready to sign a settlement. I believe you can get the truck fixed ASAP and probably the camper sorted out and agree with them to let the DOCTORS decide if you are OK or not.

That will usually light a fire under the adjusters' butt and as long as you document all the headaches, dizziness, balance issues, movement issues, doctor visits, medications and any other related problems/costs, you can put off the settlement for any of that until you are positive you are OK and they will be more likely to NOT try to give you a cheap buyoff...if the agent balks, immediately request a Supervisor. Their job is to get you to settle ASAP also...

Then a little negotiating is i order once you really do know you won't be waking up in the middle of the night having to turn over because you suddenly feel like you are sea-sick and might throw up like I happen to do now and then.
I have learned the hard way. If and when someone hits me I get an attorney. Let them deal with the stress. They can get cell phone info from the carrier ect. Send you to the appropriate doctors ect.

It's not about trying to sue for big damages. It's about letting a pro makes sure you don't end up paying money for someone else's mistake. Under the best of circumstances you do pay physically and emotionally because some dummy thinks a text is more important than your life! Just sitting stopped at a light "You did nothing wrong"! Why should you pay anything. The insurance company's job is to pay as little as possible. They have an army of lawyers. You should at least have one. Insurance companies are there to make money, not help you!
Good to go with a new truck and not have the old one fixed.
If it was "totaled"then fixed I think it then carrys a "salvage" title
and to try and sell it later would be a big hassle.
Hope all works out and glad that there were no serious injuries.
PackRat said:
The rush to settle any accident is to prevent you from coming up with additional losses. As in my case they did pay for two weeks of lost wages since my back was messed up and my neck was stiff but nothing for "pain and suffering" and had I knew I was going to have that positional vertigo issue develop some more weeks after I settled....well, suffice to say I would have saved a bunch of co-pays to find out what was the problem with dizziness, nausea, sparklers and floaters in my vision.

If you haven't yet agreed to a settlement, remember their job is to harass you to do that ASAP, your job is to really find out the extent of damage to the truck (or if it is totaled) and the damage to the camper and, most importantly, the damage to YOU.

I would call them and tell them you are experiencing some medical issues and are not quite ready to sign a settlement. I believe you can get the truck fixed ASAP and probably the camper sorted out and agree with them to let the DOCTORS decide if you are OK or not.

That will usually light a fire under the adjusters' butt and as long as you document all the headaches, dizziness, balance issues, movement issues, doctor visits, medications and any other related problems/costs, you can put off the settlement for any of that until you are positive you are OK and they will be more likely to NOT try to give you a cheap buyoff...if the agent balks, immediately request a Supervisor. Their job is to get you to settle ASAP also...

Then a little negotiating is i order once you really do know you won't be waking up in the middle of the night having to turn over because you suddenly feel like you are sea-sick and might throw up like I happen to do now and then.
Well, I understand you with this, the truck was totaled, had to be as far as I’m concerned. The estimate included complete new frame, all 3 pieces. Labor was very high, and I believe all components, engine trans and rear end had to be pulled, the transmission was clicking, rear diff was slipping on take off from a stop. I wanted no part of this thing. The value after repair was 8000 $ less than the repair cost. I was fortunate the liable party insurance declared it a total loss. I also filed a claim with my own insurance as I had a replacement cost policy. What a joke, they overvalued it, wrote an estimate for repair with 100 % salvage frame/trans/etc. and told me they just couldn’t total it as they could fix it for so much less. They also had in the “estimate” one gallon of paint over weld primer for the bed floor to have the buckles cut out with new sheet metal welded in. Good Hands my A**.... I’m so over this whole thing....
Squatch said:
I have learned the hard way. If and when someone hits me I get an attorney. Let them deal with the stress. They can get cell phone info from the carrier ect. Send you to the appropriate doctors ect.

It's not about trying to sue for big damages. It's about letting a pro makes sure you don't end up paying money for someone else's mistake. Under the best of circumstances you do pay physically and emotionally because some dummy thinks a text is more important than your life! Just sitting stopped at a light "You did nothing wrong"! Why should you pay anything. The insurance company's job is to pay as little as possible. They have an army of lawyers. You should at least have one. Insurance companies are there to make money, not help you!
You sure are right with this approach, the entry level attorney eventually can or will become the judge. It is the system they have provided for themselves. We are in the middle and used much like cut bait on a Tuna boat. California provides 2 years before an injury accident can no longer be filed against a liable party.
Casa Escarlata Robles Too said:
Good to go with a new truck and not have the old one fixed.
If it was "totaled"then fixed I think it then carrys a "salvage" title
and to try and sell it later would be a big hassle.
Hope all works out and glad that there were no serious injuries.
Thank you Frank, this is the plan. Clean title, believe it or not, but a Car Fax that declares a re-framed vehicle, I would never touch that. I have a Ford F-150 in mind, a Heavy payload version, it is an order only truck and should be rated to carry between 2200 and 2400 lbs, each option takes some away from capacity. Ford limits this truck in trim level, for example crew cab 4 door with long wheelbase and 6.5 foot box. Must be a long wheelbase truck. I have looked at and kicked around a ton of possibilities, I believe this will satisfy all my payload needs, my Ocelot is 1600 lbs loaded out and ready to roll. Compromise is bigger truck.
My Ocelot won’t fit on an F250, and my oh my they are very large trucks. And yes, no serious injuries as at this point.
Morning RC

What about a flat bed, and mount the camper to that. Although it might not work if your truck serves other purposes. Just a thought, would help with Fords box length situation.
In re-reading your post above, are you saying the 4 door, with 6.5 bed you can get the payload you need and camper fits?

Others comments about ins companies rings true. My brother was driving Moms car and got broadsided totaling the car. ( amazing he was ok, side impact air bags) when mom's insurance company called to settle, it was almost 1/2 of where we ended up. Their tow company kept calling to pick up, and I told them we had not settled yet. I waited one month and then called them and said what I wanted. Later that day a supervisor called and we came to terms about $500 lees than my request. Which was NADA retail clean low mileage price.
Don't cancel your coverage ( we are not replacing the vehicle) till after you settle, they will refund any monies back to the day after accident. I understand not everyone can wait a month but they need to clear their books and move forward JMO. I also felt it showed we did not need to take their lowball price.
My brother was impressed and said we couldn't have sold the car for that. I didn't have the heart to tell him Mom can't replace the car for what we ended up getting. Original owner car , low mileage, dealer maintained, you can't go out and get what you had. If I remember correctly, that's what I told the first claims person. We would be ok with the amount, but we don't want the money, we would be fine it they would just bring us a car like mom had and put it in the garage!
I agree with Squatch , ins companies take advantage of people who have just encountered a trauma. Attorney is emotionally removed, very different situations for the ins companies to deal with.


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