Trans Labrador Highway and other places of interest

Cool report :) I'm going to review it carefully as I am heading to St. John's NF in September. One area I'd like to visit is the Bay of Fundy. I am debating whether I want to do the TLH. On one hand it is a nice remote adventure but it seems like there are more scenic areas in Nova Scotia, PEI, etc. Is TLH 500 km of washboard :eek: ?
Cool report :) I'm going to review it carefully as I am heading to St. John's NF in September. One area I'd like to visit is the Bay of Fundy. I am debating whether I want to do the TLH. On one hand it is a nice remote adventure but it seems like there are more scenic areas in Nova Scotia, PEI, etc. Is TLH 500 km of washboard :eek: ?

Most of the TLH is well maintained. When you get south of Labrador City the road gets a little worse.
While in New Brunswick, check out the Magnetic Hill. When I was there in the early 70's there was no development but I couldn't tell you what is like now. Anyways there was a post with a sign that said "stop here and put your car in neutral". When you do this your car rolls up hill. Actually there is no magnetism involved as it is an optical illusion caused by the lay of the land. While not an engineering marvel it still is a marvel.

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