Truck to Camper Electrical

Clark said:
So when I leave home, the camper batteries will be full charged, would it be best to flip one of my breakers (one at the truck batteries) so current does not flow to the camper batteries during the drive?

The purpose of having your camper attached to the truck electrical system is to charge the camper battery while you drive.
Thanks camelracer. I understand the purpose, but when you first leave home, the thought is your batteries are probably already topped off, so maybe there is no need to have them connected to charging system at that time.
Be careful with the on-board built-in chargers. The unit in our camper had the batteries boiling (6V wet cells) by the second day of being connected to "shore power." I disabled it soon after and now use one of the small "Battery Tender" wall-wart type trickle charger/maintainers.

That said, I'm not the type to want to fiddle with things while on a trip. Some folks like things to require their attention and to be involved with all of the processes. I build systems to do what I want them to do regardless of whether I'm monitoring them or not. So the truck to camper charging circuit is active any time the truck is running regardless of the batteries state of charge - the alt's regulator will charge as appropriate.

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