Turnbuckle eyelet failure


Apr 9, 2021
SLO & Durango
I've been pretty good at checking my turnbuckles on my 2014 Bobcat. Not every 300 miles good, but around every 500 miles good. And I've always made sure to follow Marty's "hand tight then 1/4 turn more" that he drove into my mind the day we received the camper, even to the point that I loosen them a couple times a year and retighten them to make sure they're not overtightened.

Today, I went to check them and (to my shock and surprise) the forward passenger buckle was laying in the truck bed. I was very confused. I knew they had been tightened a short while back. Then I noticed the 2" washer lying there. So, I reached up to check the eyelet on the underside of the camper: nothing. Nada. Not there. I felt around and there it was lying in the bed just outside of direct sight. <Gulp> My first thought (maybe my second thought after a "wtf!") was how long had it been like this? Ultimately, it doesn't really matter. It broke and I'm fortunate that the other buckles didn't loosen or fail themselves.


So, the now what? question. Get an equivalent bolt and eyelet and reinstall? Or do something different? Would love to hear folk's thoughts.
I broke one on our camper (forward driver's) and reinstalled a replacement from Marty. No problem since then. At the time Marty stressed not going with a grade 8 bolt. "Do you want the bolt to break or it to rip out from the plywood?"

The other issue is access to the bolt to remove and replace. The eyelet should be fine if you can remove the piece of broken threaded bolt.
ski3pin said:
I broke one on our camper (forward driver's) and reinstalled a replacement from Marty. No problem since then. At the time Marty stressed not going with a grade 8 bolt. "Do you want the bolt to break or it to rip out from the plywood?"

The other issue is access to the bolt to remove and replace. The eyelet should be fine if you can remove the piece of broken threaded bolt.
Yeah, that's my concern. Will give Marty a call tomorrow first thing.
If you want to upgrade the camper side of the mounting system, FWC sells the parts to upgrade your camper to the new style with hefty 1/4" backing plates and rock climbing like bolt anchors.
Vic Harder said:
If you want to upgrade the camper side of the mounting system, FWC sells the parts to upgrade your camper to the new style with hefty 1/4" backing plates and rock climbing like bolt anchors.
Oh sweet! Thanks for the info, Vic. I'll check that out.
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