Uh oh, short trip


Riley's Human
Jan 12, 2007
I headed up the hill like it seems half the WTW folks here. No real plan, maybe I'd run into some on the road. I was towing the Jeep. Fueled up at the Valero before Pollock Pines. Moved the rig to fuel the Jeep. Someone left a big pool of oil on the ground. Wait, thats my oil! Sniff. Its transmission fluid from the truck. Safe thing is to head on home. Unsafe thing is to ignore it and just keep heading for 395. I split the difference and just headed up the MET and found a place to camp. Tried once again to find the remnants of the original wagon trail, unsuccessfully. Headed home before the weather got nasty.

Oddly enough, I haven't seen another leak since. I didn't take a single pic. Too windy to put up the awning. New fridge worked very well.
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