
Advanced Member
Nov 9, 2009
About 6 months ago my friend Dustin bought two freight damaged ARB bumpers for the current gen. Tacoma's. I bought one of them for $300.00 it was pretty well bent in on the left corner, but I was able to straighten it out and pound out one dent, after which I got it back to smooth with an hour or so of grinding. Took the bumper to a powder coater, put it on the truck, cool looks just like new, (this was a great deal). About 2 months later me and Fishmore are at Eagle Lake, we launch our boats and go fishing, when we get back in I find that somebody has side swiped the front of my truck with a boat trailer, wiped out the right side of the the bumper and the fender flair, nice and no note either telling me how sorry they were. So, off comes the bumper, spend some more hours fixing the thing again, this time I had some deep gashes which I chose to fill with welds rather than bondo, back to the powder coater, back on the truck, cool just like new again. Everything has been just fine,.............Until today that is. I'm west bound on ShelterCove Rd. we have had very cold weather 14deg. this morning there's spots of black ice everywhere, I come around the bend at Hodstat Hill and here comes a black Ford pickup coming at me at about 50mph. on his roof, I was sure I was going to be looking closely at an air bag, but some of my years of dodging wrecks in a race car helped me miss the idiot, but he unloaded that truck all over the road and I hit a loaded garbage can and I don't know what else, so I guess I better make an appointment with the powder coater, because the bumper isn't looking too cool anymore. I tried to post pics. but they're to big.
Omg Jon. I am not going anywhere you go or anywhere you go. What a run of bad luck you've had lately. That bumper absorb some of the damage? Not sure just how heavy duty the arb bumpers are.
Jeez Salty, If it wasn't for bad luck, you wouldn't have any at all...

Really glad YOU'RE OK..you can fix the bumper..
Jeez Salty, If it wasn't for bad luck, you wouldn't have any at all...

Really glad YOU'RE are OK..you can fix the bumper..

I'm fine, the guy driving the truck wasn't so lucky he suffered some cuts and maybe a broken arm, in the last week we've had several accidents like that, you would think they would get the message. I AM NOT FIXING THAT BUMPER AGAIN. I think this time we're going to end up with a new one. I'm just lucky to have missed the guy or it would have been more than a bumper. By the way I just got a look at the new DiesePower mag., The nerve of those imposter's, I should sue! there's some good stuff in this issue. I look at as good luck, it's only the bumper again, not a mark on the truck, like I said UNBELIVEABLE
That is some bad luck!

Sounds like you need to get a more solid bumper this time around. Check out badlandbumpers.com

I had a front bumper built by them on my 98 ranger, it was solid!
This was mine when it was badly in need of a paint job. I actually bought it from someone else after he rolled his ranger on asphalt, nothing but some light scratches on the top end where he scraped along the road.
Hey Salty,
Loose the bumper it wasn't a bargain!

I really don't see any of this as BAD LUCK, the bumper did it's job, had it not been on the truck I probably would have pushed the radiator into the fan. There isn't much in the way of protection offered with the stock Tacoma front end. I'm actually laughing about this now, but it's time to send this bumper to bumper heaven, unless somebody here wants to pickup where I left off, slightly damaged, will sell cheap.
I really don't see any of this as BAD LUCK, the bumper did it's job, had it not been on the truck I probably would have pushed the radiator into the fan. There isn't much in the way of protection offered with the stock Tacoma front end. I'm actually laughing about this now, but it's time to send this bumper to bumper heaven, unless somebody here wants to pickup where I left off, slightly damaged, will sell cheap.

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