Unvented Gas Heaters

Do you think the wave is better than the Olympian?

woops. I meant Empire vs. Wave. The Empire has a better finish and the O2 sensor shut-off. But I have not heard much about them.


I agree, only a moron would sleep with two women, both armed with shotguns. You are a brave man. Check your post, was the use of the word Moron a Freudian Slip?

John D

Hi John, it was an intentional slip, there was an "m" in the word originally,I did not want to upset anyone so I changed it to moron, which still seems to work.As you said I would have to be a moron to try sleeping with two armed women. I still wish I had a female space heater though , It might be safer than an unvented heater. Now I hope I haven't offended any potential space heaters.


I don't think an unvented gas heater is quite as effective in driving moisture out. However, I could be wrong about that and I wish someone with a lot of experience with unvented gas heaters would comment.

John D

The propane space heaters like the Buddy and the Wave produce H20 (better than CO!) when burning so extra care must be taken to keep moisture out of the camper if they are used for long periods. Do a search on Arctic (aka Artic) Pack for some comments on this issue.

Bit of ALL unvented propane burning theory. A properly burning propane flame produces H2O and CO2(safe carbon di-oxide or carbon with two oxygens **the two oxygens is the key to this) with almost immeasurable CO (poisonous carbon mono-oxide or carbon with one oxygen). Disrupt the flame, like a pan over a burner, and the CO is measurable, but still way way below dangerous.

There are two common conditions when burning propane (flame or catalytic) creates too much poisonous Carbon Monoxide: bad irregular burning and not enough oxygen.

Bad irregular burning. Lookup propane refrigerator deaths. Besides propane refrigerators being one of the most common causes of RV fires, there are also recalls due to carbon monoxide poisoning deaths. Canadian govt has an alert out since spike of Carbon monoxide deaths in remote cabins from faulty propane refrigerators.

Not enough oxygen. When the oxygen is depleted by people and burning propane, there is not enough oxygen for the burning propane to output CO2 (two oxygens), so it creates CO (one oxygen) while it is burning. Propane still burns. Yikes! Happens Fast. Run away train when it starts. You will not notice the oxygen is too low to burn propane safely. Crack a window. CO monitor.
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