Upper Cabinet


Advanced Member
Jul 29, 2007
Is there another purpose for the upper cabinet (the short long one just under the canvas) besides storage? In my remodel of my keystone, I have removed all the cabinets including that one and am thinking about leaving it out and it came to me that that cabinet may be used to support the lift panel when the camper is down.

Also I have made some progress on the camper as of late. I have it about 75% resided and getting ready to install the canvas.
Many years ago I caught wind that FWC took out the upper cabinet and found out that the canvas needed that support when the lid was down. So they put them back in. You will also notice that the shell models came with a cabinet on both sides.

Now with that said...FWC is now using a new fabric and I don't know if one is still needed. A quick call to Stan can put you in the right direction.

I have made some progress on the camper as of late. I have it about 75% resided and getting ready to install the canvas.



Hey winter200

I have seen people take it out, or have us leave it out when building the campers new. But the shop guys feel it is better to have it in there. It gives some support to the pop-up liner so it doesn't droop / hang down so much inside the camper. Jeff (our old production manager) thought it was better to have in there to keep the water from pooling up and seeping in the windows. If the cabinet is there is keeps the pop-up liner mostly flat helping to reduce the possibility of water pooling up. If that really makes a difference or not, I don't know ? Just thought I would share what I have heard over the past years.


Is there another purpose for the upper cabinet (the short long one just under the canvas) besides storage? In my remodel of my keystone, I have removed all the cabinets including that one and am thinking about leaving it out and it came to me that that cabinet may be used to support the lift panel when the camper is down.

Water pooling in the fabric.

Hey Stan,

Along those thoughts... For those of us with pre-2004 campers that have the outside window flaps, have you heard of any negative affects of leaving the flaps rolled up with the top down? I rarely close my flaps before lowering the top. Have not had any problems but your comments above got me wondering.

Thanks, Ted
Hi Ted,

The only problem I have when I leave the outside flaps rolled up is the Velcro attaches. So when I pop up there is that added effort to break them apart.



Its not done yet, just wouldn't be right totake a photo.

Hey winter200

I have seen people take it out, or have us leave it out when building the campers new. But the shop guys feel it is better to have it in there. It gives some support to the pop-up liner so it doesn't droop / hang down so much inside the camper. Jeff (our old production manager) thought it was better to have in there to keep the water from pooling up and seeping in the windows. If the cabinet is there is keeps the pop-up liner mostly flat helping to reduce the possibility of water pooling up. If that really makes a difference or not, I don't know ? Just thought I would share what I have heard over the past years.



Thanks for the info Stan
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