Used Camper Alert Thread

Just joined the forum because we do a lot of wildlife research in the Oregon Outback and are looking for a truck camper that will fit our 1995 Toyota Tacoma and be able to take a lot of primitive road abuse. Understand these FWC's are pretty good. Tried a Palomino and it didn't work. So looking for an older FWC for sale in our area (can't drive to LA to get that $1400 one and it might not fit our pickup). Have a low budget. Have signed up to follow this forum but would love to hear from other members as to their experience. Am I on the right track? Hello to ski3pin who lives in Bend - we're not far from Sisters.
You will need a Eagle (recently discontinued by FWC), current or older Fleet (from the 80s), or a Ranger II from the late 90s. Or an All Terrain Bobcat. And some luck. Have 3 to 7 thousand dollars on hand and be ready to pounce. Might want to also consider a Roamin' Chariot, they are a discontinued "half pop up" but might be available in your area. Or, just build your own:

Sorry, don't know construction details or exactly how he connects all the pieces, and his lift mechanism is *ahem* "unique". But a solid A for effort and ingenuity. Cost....I'd say likely under a thousand. Maybe well under a thousand.
Butterflygal, clearly Palomino will not hold up- too much wood and staples. I have a 2011 Toyota Tacoma with a fleet 4wheel camper and it has held up well with a fair amount of back road and off road travel. Eagle model is a little smaller and also works. ATC Bobcat would also work on your truck and is similar. You will probably need to add air bags or spring change to your Toyota as their rear springs are a weak link for hauling even a light camper. If you do not have the 6 cyl in your truck you might be wise to go as light as possible with a Eagle Shell model, but if you have the 6 you can opt for any. I am in the Portland area and there is a 4 wheel dealer here now which is an advantage. Good luck in your search.

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