Visit Next Week


Senior Member
Mar 19, 2008
I had a message today that a member of this forum will be in our neck of the woods on Tuesday.
Will be interesting to see the rig.

I am leaving Sunday with the wife for Dease Lake B.C. 4 hours south of home to drop her off for the start of a 10 day horse pack trip. 9 days riding in an d a floatplane flight out on Aug first.
I will be back home on Monday the 23rd..
Then back to dease Lake on the 31st home on the first then a few days caribou hunting on the 3, 4, 5 August...

Looking forward to the visit..

I had to go to Whitehorse at last minute with our dog. He was very sick. Vet Kept him tuesday and wednesday so I did not get home until 11 Wednesday night.

Sorry i missed you.

Hope we can meet when you are back this way..

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