Wander the West has New Management


Captain Leisure
Site Team
Nov 10, 2005
Eugene, Oregon
Dear Fellow Wanderers,

With mixed emotions it is time to announce that I am stepping down as owner of Wander the West effective immediately. The site will now be owned and operated by Andy R who started a small company focused on fostering online communities. I spoke to Andy at length before making this decision and feel he will be a good fit here. This change will allow me to dedicate more time and resources to my mining history website, which you all know is my passion project. I do not expect that there will be any day to day changes in the website and the change of ownership should be a transparent process.

I still look forward to sharing trip reports with the community and will continue to participate as an active member of Wander the West. Happy New Year to you all and I'm hoping to see all my friends soon in our usual backcountry spots.

DirtyDog (Aaron)
You have done an awesome job here with this site and making it a community. I'd be lost without it, I think. Thank you for your time and effort. Good luck with your other work.

Hey Wanderers,

I know it's always weird when the founder of a site posts an announcement that he's sold the site. As the new owner I'll need to earn your trust so please give me some time to continue business as usual. Social Knowledge is a tiny company so don't worry, there are no corporate overlords taking over your community. I work with a gal from Washington named Janet and Jeff, the programmer is from upstate New York. I current live in Texas but plan to move back to Colorado at some point in the future. I enjoy car camping deep in the wilderness and driving trails. At this time I have a 3 month old baby and 2 year old so I don't get much time to go wander but I am desperately jonesing for trip on my own.

Dear Fellow Wanderers,

With mixed emotions it is time to announce that I am stepping down as owner of Wander the West effective immediately. The site will now be owned and operated by Andy R who started a small company focused on fostering online communities. I spoke to Andy at length before making this decision and feel he will be a good fit here. This change will allow me to dedicate more time and resources to my mining history website, which you all know is my passion project. I do not expect that there will be any day to day changes in the website and the change of ownership should be a transparent process.

I still look forward to sharing trip reports with the community and will continue to participate as an active member of Wander the West. Happy New Year to you all and I'm hoping to see all my friends soon in our usual backcountry spots.

DirtyDog (Aaron)
Thank you so much for all your support and hard work keeping Wander the West alive and functioning. Over the years I have so enjoyed being a part of this amazing resourceful community. I wish you well with your future endevors, thanks again . Terri

Wander the West is for me like no other forum out there. It has become a community I truly feel like I'm a part of. It has allowed me to experience new adventures and to make new friends. I hope Andy is able to keep it going strong and I wish you all the best. But whatever happens, thank you for what you have done.

Shocker indeed!

Aaron -
I wish you well and hope to continue to see you around, whether virtually -- here -- or "out there".
- Mark
Hey everyone, my name is Jeff, I work with Andy as he mentioned earlier. This community looks wonderful and I am looking forward to doing my part to help it grow!


- Jeff
Also checking in and poking around. There are some fabulous discussions here and Aarons built a wonderful community. Moving forward, I hope to be able to help out. I love to camp and do a fair amount of it here in the Pacific NW :)
It's up to all of us to make this place prosper!
Good luck and blessings to all members, new and old.

Now, back to dog farts, trucks, the campers and camping.

I'm sorry to see the old management go, but with DD's endorsement, I too welcome our new corporate overlords.
Thanks for all you have done DD. I know my mind is bigger and my wallet smaller because of this site.

And welcome to the new management. This is a nice place because of the people that hang around here, please do not forget that.
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