Wander the West in 19 days in June?


Senior Member
Aug 26, 2011
Alberta, Canada
Hello Everyone!

Ever since I learned about the venerable FWC, which BTW I was introduced to by WTW, I have fantasized about Wander the West. Its tough though with a job and other responsibilities. This said, I have been able to secure 19 days to exploit my Hawk.

The G/F has agreed to join me and my Boxer Dog. This said she, is leaning more to California. I have also been seriously considering Vancouver Island. I am confident that I could see all of Vancouver Island in 19 Days.

I have always wanted to check out the cool spaces in the Western US, (I am writing from Canada). Death Valley, Utah, the Oregon/California Coast have always intrigued me. After seeing the famous photo of 2 x FWC's parked on the beach at night, I told my self "I need to go there! Also, I would be remiss if did not check out the newest FWC's in Sac.

The problem is - its about a 30 hour drive to Big Sur - or about 17 hours to Oregon.

My question is this: How much would I be able to see in 14 Days? In order to keep the G/F happy we would need to spend at least 7 Days. Would that give me enough time to get to see Death Valley and Utah in the next 7 days? Or am I pushing it.

Should I keep the G/F happy and just do the coast and relax, and plan a trip to DV in the winter?

The other option is to take 6 weeks another time and relax a little to take it all in. I suspect that Vancouver Island will just as beautiful.

Any suggestions would be appreciated. We would like to see the country most unique to to the area as we likely will not go back.

We live in Edmonton, Alberta BTW

I'd not do DV in June. Way too hot. The Oregon coast would be cool and you could do what we did last year. The OR coast and down into Northern CA to see the Redwoods. 19 days would be great. Lots of coastal camping in OR too!
Being a native Oregonian, I will toss in my vote for Oregon as well. From your location, I would start with the NE corner (Wallowa Mts & Zumwalt Prairie), move across the top along the Columbia to see the country (Mt Hood) along there. Then over to the beach to follow 101 down to the Redwoods. Follow the Klamath River back to Oregon, but taking time to see the Scott River Valley (Etna, Callahan, Ft Jones) in N CA . From Ashland, OR, take 66 over to Klamath Falls, then pick up 140 through Lakeview, into Nevada to Denio. From there up to Steens Mountain, maybe a side trip to Hart Mountain (The Warner Mt area is very nice). From there, you could either go into Idaho (Silver City, Owyhee River).

So much to do, so much to see. BTW, there's neat stuff in Central Oregon as well. Cascade Lakes, Three Sisters, Fort Rock, Hole-in-the-Ground, Painted Hills.
I spent two weeks in late April wandering around eastern Oregon and really enjoyed it. I really like Wandering Sagebrush's loop. I add Bagby Hotsprings between Mt. Hood and HWY 101. Just drop south from Mt. Hood on HWY 26 south from Mt Hood/Government Camp and catch Forest Service Road 58 west, then on to OR-224 W then left onto Sandstone rd, and then follow the Bagby Hotspring signs. From Government camp to Bagby Hot Springs is about 4 hours with about 3 being off road. The drive by itself is worth it and the hotsping at the end is a bonus.

Oregon coast (HWY 101) is always a good bet. It is a beautiful drive with lots of fun little side trips, especially when you approach it in a laid back style.
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