Warner Mountains Rally - August 2010

Mental note - from now on only bring beer for my new best friends Ski and Stew. No more for DD.

I'm just celebrating all things Ted you know.
I'm just celebrating all things Ted you know.

Ted, my new best friend, has never been lost, but some roads he has traveled have been under water. Just to make the facts clear, DD.
Ted, my new best friend, has never been lost, but some roads he has traveled have been under water. Just to make the facts clear, DD.

That made me laugh :D However, an important notice to all parties in this thread: if you buddy up to Ted and take the Pliney that is rightfully mine, there will be consequences!
That made me laugh :D However, an important notice to all parties in this thread: if you buddy up to Ted and take the Pliney that is rightfully mine, there will be consequences!

Boy, am I scared! What are you going to do, DD? Rip off my side mirrors? Poke holes in my camper's door? TP my camper at night? Boy, am I scared!

I was thinking the same thing - what's he going to do? Tp your camper? Give you a nick name on the website? He's got nothing. Guiness for Stew. Ski can have the Pliney. Maybe even a snack for Diego. Zip, zilch, nada for DD. :p

I now understand that Ted has never been lost. This is a falsehood spread by Dirty Dog for reasons that are not entirely clear.

Ted, I'm sorry that I ever believed this lie or have been involved in anyway with perpetuating it. I've been to High Rock Canyon and High Rock Lake and know how difficult it can be to navigate through there in the wet. Even DD hisownself almost got stuck on the playa.

By the way, 3pin doesn't like Pliney (Pliny?) but I do. Diego does still like cheese, though.

By the way, 3pin doesn't like Pliney (Pliny?) but I do.

Gentle clarification here, Ski3pin and the Lady are non-drinkers. Just don't care for alcohol. Brew us a strong cup of Peets coffee in the morning and call it good. We will!
Great trip report and pictures. I wish I could of made it. Hay!! How did my truck get in those photos? Oh wait I was there. It's all coming back. Lets see, there was some Pliney, Mohave Red, Blue Moon and some kind of IPA. I may have suffered some drain bamage. I'm pretty sure I hadn't dreen binking. :oops:

All I can say is the people where great, the food was fantastic and the scenery was beautiful. It was great to meet Donna, Cort, Marc and Toni. And as always DD and Ted, friends from previous trips. I would like to throw out a special thanks to Marc for cooking such good food. And to Cort for the fun discussion on the Owens Valley. Hence the new title. So whens the next rally?

And to Cort for the fun discussion on the Owens Valley. Hence the new title.


Mike, I see you too have a new title--Water & Power. How did your get that? Ha, ha; ho, ho.

By the way SuperMike, when will we get your super report and super pics from you Alaskan adventure?

Gentle clarification here, Ski3pin and the Lady are non-drinkers. Just don't care for alcohol. Brew us a strong cup of Peets coffee in the morning and call it good. We will!

Ya mon! Been there, done that. Can't remember most of it but they tell me I had fun.

Did ya drink any Steaming Bean coffee while in-state? That's some serious goodness right there...

travel safely

ok you guys had entirely way to much fun on this trip. The more I read the more jealous I get.

Yup; waaaay too much fun :LOL:

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