Weather Sept-Nov


Advanced Member
Oct 28, 2012
I'm planning a trip starting in September and may be as long as into November. I was thinking of starting at the Tetons then heading north and west into Idaho then perhaps Washington then south from there depending on weather. I assume cool to mild days and chilly to cold nights will be the norm. Should I be expecting more severe conditions?

2013 GMC
2010 AKC
I was up in that area a few years ago in late September (raining in Yellowstone). It was also getting cold so I decided we should head south. The fun road up in the Rockies down in Colorado was already closed. When we got to Durango it was snowing.

Just be prepared and have fun.

We have spent many trips at Yellowstone Sept into Oct. Weather can be nice or some rain/snow showers. Temps will be cool to cold some nights into the 30s.
One thing to look at is when the campgrounds start to close. There are usually still several open into the middle of Oct.
We notice that a lot of the NF sites close by date not weather. Sad as we have some of the best weather for being out in the fall.
Enjoy your trip.
Camped in Southern British Columbia and the Rockies mid-September of last year. It rained A LOT! I'd guess that northern Washington and Idaho would have been similar.

No wind so ill as blows nobody any good. I was tent camping and my soggy experience inspired me to buy my ATC camper.
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