Western Mining History

Several years ago, my daughter was working for the National Forest Service in the West and was assigned the task of documenting mines and recording GPS coordiants. Original mine claim records were the source documents. I think she wrote a paper on this work that was circulated through the Forest Service managment. She found mining camps complete with canned food, clothing, tools (even womens high heeled shoes), as if miners had been there yesterday. From the remoteness, difficult access, and undisturbed appearance, some of these camps have not been visited for a hundred years. The Forset Service knows where a lot of this stuff is located. A serious historian might find them helpful.
Deadwood Gold Rush/Col. Custer

I'm in Gillette, WY on a job and got interested in Deadwood. Here's a book about how George Custer led an expedition to the Black Hills that discovered gold near Deadwood. The book is in the library here. Here's a terrific website about the book...
Regards, Dusty
Several years ago, my daughter was working for the National Forest Service in the West and was assigned the task of documenting mines and recording GPS coordiants. Original mine claim records were the source documents. I think she wrote a paper on this work that was circulated through the Forest Service managment. She found mining camps complete with canned food, clothing, tools (even womens high heeled shoes), as if miners had been there yesterday. From the remoteness, difficult access, and undisturbed appearance, some of these camps have not been visited for a hundred years. The Forset Service knows where a lot of this stuff is located. A serious historian might find them helpful.

What states was she working in?
I'm in Gillette, WY on a job and got interested in Deadwood. Here's a book about how George Custer led an expedition to the Black Hills that discovered gold near Deadwood. The book is in the library here. Here's a terrific website about the book...
Regards, Dusty

Thanks for the link Dusty. I would like to read that book sometime.
are you familiar with the mines up around malakoff diggings? such as the Sixteen-to-One?

they "broke into the candy store" a few years back and really hit it big...again. the things been running for...a million years.
are you familiar with the mines up around malakoff diggings? such as the Sixteen-to-One?

they "broke into the candy store" a few years back and really hit it big...again. the things been running for...a million years.

I wasn't familiar with that mine. Very interesting! I'll have to try to make a trip down there sometime.
Malakoff Diggings

My great grandfather and I used to go there when I was a kid to get gravel. Back then you just drove into the diggings and loaded up a truck full. We also went there to shoot off model rockets that I used to build.

I lived in North San Juan until I was 9. Great place to be as a kid. Still go back from time to time and say hi to the few people that I still know in the area.
i have spent a substantial amount of time in the area and it never ceases to amaze me that there are so many holes in the ground.
air shafts, water feed, drainage, test digs...man oh man you have got to watch you step!

and the ones you think are old or abandoned.......a guy comes on out who has been working it for 20 years!

amazing! those folks winter over up there in the back country.....thats tough!

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